Adding Text to Wireframe

From the Open your project and click on the prospect email envelope. From the Edit Email tab, click on any block of text in the wireframe. This opens the Edit Dynamic Section window with a text editing window where you can add or edit text. You have the common text editing tools available in the toolbar. When copying/pasting text, the formatting is stripped however to be save when pasting your text you can right click and choose Paste Plain Text. Also in the toolbar you have the ability to include hyperlinks in the text. After entering or editing text, click Save to return to the Edit Email tab. Note that if you do not update or remove the default text, it will appear in your wireframe.

Adding Hyperlinks

Adding hyperlinks allows you direct recipients to landing pages, documents in LeadCentral and other online resources. You can include multiple hyperlinks in the text of your template, enabling the recipient to quickly access the resources. You can also attach links to images. To enter a hyperlink, from the Edit Email tab, highlight the block of text where you want to add the hyperlink. Click the (1) Hyperlink button.Edit_Dynamic_Section

After you click on the Hyperlink icon the Hyperlink Manager window will open.



You have several options for the type of hyperlink (option 1 above):

  • View email content in a browser: Creates a link allowing the recipient to view the email in a browser instead of as an email. This is sometimes helpful because different email clients will display your email differently. Viewing the email in a browser ensures that it displays as you intended.
  • Forward email to a friend – English: Opens a pop-up window allowing the recipient to forward the email to someone else who might be interested in the content. This link is typically included near the top of the email. It’s helpful to provide this ability to forward the email in a way that enables the system to capture the forwarded address and add it to the contact database. Without this link, the recipient could simply forward the email using the standard email Forward feature, but the system won’t be able to capture the forwarded recipients contact information. Note that the pop-up window will open in English.
  • Link to document stored within LeadCentral: Creates a link to documents stored within LeadCentral. The advantage of linking to documents stored in LeadCentral is that it can then track these downloads to identify how frequently an asset is downloaded and by who. You can also link to a document stored outside LeadCentral by using the “Manually enter URL” option (below), but data about that download will not be tracked.

After selecting this option, you will need to (2) navigate to the document stored in LeadCentral.

Link to landing page within LeadCentral

Creates a link to an existing landing page within LeadCentral. The advantage of linking to landing pages within LeadCentral is that the system can collect additional information about the recipient, including the creation of a new lead. You can navigate to the landing page (1) three ways:

  • Select Landing Page by Campaign/Project: Shows all the available landing pages organized by campaign/project.
  • Select Landing Page by Custom Process: Show only the landing pages used in custom processes, organized by custom process.
  • Select Landing Page by Domain: Show all of the domains, and all of the landing pages within each domain.
  • After clicking the radio button to indicate the location of the landing page, click in the (2) Landing Page dropdown and choose the desired landing page. You have two (3) contact data handling options:
    • Update Data on existing Lead: Specialized applications may require this option. Before selecting this option, contact GrowthPoint.
    • Copy Date to new lead: Always select this option. When the recipient clicks on a landing page, the system automatically creates a new lead and populates it with all known information from the contact record. This avoids the need for the recipient to re-enter data and improves the conversion rate tremendously.
    • Manually enter URL: Creates a link to pages or assets outside of LeadCentral. Clicks and downloads related to these links are not tracked by LeadCentral. When possible, upload the document to LeadCentral and use the “Link to document stored within LeadCentral” option.

 “For more information” Hyperlink

There are times when you want to use one page for a variety of purposes so that multiple pages don’t need to be created. You can modify a hyperlink to automatically track requests for information from that link. To create this type of link, first follow the instructions to create a “Link to a Landing Page Within Lead Central.” The URL for the selected landing page will automatically appear in the URL field. At the end of the URL, add the field name in the LeadCentral database that want to be filled in, and the data that you want to be added to that field.  Example: If the URL was:

You would add “/customerinterest=xyz” where “xyz” is the text you want captured in LeadCentral’s customerinterest field. If you wanted to add the text “CostReduction” to the customerinterest field, the resulting URL in the URL field would be:

The customerinterest field is the most commonly used field to capture this type of data, If want to capture and store data to other fields, contact GrowthPoint.

Format detail on the Hyperlink

In the Hyperlink Manager at the bottom of the Hyperlink Manager screen, section 3 on the Hyperlink graphic, you will see a number of optional fields for completion:

    • URL: If you selected a document or landing page in LeadCentral, the URL will automatically fill in. Otherwise, you will have to manually fill in the URL.
    • Link Text: This field simply repeats the text that you selected to be highlighted as your link. You can edit the link text here and that change will also be made within the email.
    • Link Name: Enter a descriptive name of what the link connected to. This will greatly simplify review of reports related to the email because the number of clicks on each link will be reported by the link name you enter. This provides at-a-glance analysis of the most-clicked links. This field is only for reporting and will not appear in the email. Note that if you select “View email in browser” or “Forward email to a friend” you cannot add a link name.
    • Target: Defaults to “New Window” which is the preferred option.
    • Tooltip: Text entered in this field will appear as a pop-up when the recipient hovers over the link.
    • CSS Class: Defaults to “Apply Class” which is the preferred option.

After creating and formatting your hyperlink, click OK to save the changes.Email_Hyperline_Manager

Create E-mail Hyperlink

This option creates a link that will open a preaddressed email. From the Hyperlink Manager, click the (1) E-mail tab. In the Address field, enter the destination email address. The Link Text field shows the text you highlighted in the email as the link. Fill in the Subject of the email. Leave the CSS Class dropdown with the default selection, “Apply Class.”



Repeating a Wireframe Section


You can repeat the elements of your wireframe by hovering your mouse over the wireframe in the Edit Email window, then clicking the (1) Plus Sign at the top-right of the window. This duplicates all of the elements of the wireframe. You can now edit each of the text blocks individually. You can also replace the repeated images. Remember that if doing put a image in the placeholder that will leave a blank area in your wireframe. Cl2 colum add textick the Trash Can at the top of the window to delete the repeated section.

If the content is two columns wide, like the example to the right you do not need to fill out both sections.  The section you don’t complete will show up blank. For example you can enter the article on the left and leave the right article blank.

Moving Sections in a Template

After repeating a section and entering content and saving changes, you may find that the contents needs to be reordered. To move the sections hover over the section to be moved, and click on the grey border surrounding the article and drag the section to the new location. You will get a message that asks if you are sure you want to move, click OK to confirm the move. Sections can only be moved within their repeater section.

Preview the Template

At any time you can click the Preview button on the top right corner of your page. The view may not be perfect depending on your browser settings, but you can get a general idea of the layout and look. To see exactly how the email will appear it is recommended that you email a test message to your email account.

Adding Image to Wireframe


To add an image click on a grey images placeholder in the wireframe. This opens the Edit Dynamic Section window (shown to right) where you can select an existing image or upload a new image. Image placeholders have a suggested image size displayed in the wireframe. You will also see the image size indicated in the window when you click the grey image placeholder to add your images. Images uploaded will be resized automatically. If you do not want to the system to resize your image or like how it is done, you can resize the image on your own and upload the new image. This is discussed below.

Choosing an Existing Graphic

From the Edit Dynamic Section window, use the (1 & 2) folder navigation panes to find the desired graphic. Note along the top of the window that you can click icons to Refresh the screen, create a New Folder, and switch views between a list view and thumbnail view. As you click on files in the list on the left, you can see the image in the (4) Preview Window.

Click the (7) Save button to add the selected graphic to the template, close the Edit Dynamic Section window, and return to your wireframe. If you make a mistake while in the Edit Dynamic Section and don’t want to keep the graphic you selected, you can select a different image to replace it, or click the (6) Cancel button to close the Edit Dynamic Section window without saving your changes. After you return to the Edit Email screen, you can also click on the image there to select a different image.

Uploading a New Image

If you need to upload an image, click the (3) Upload icon at the top of the Edit Dynamic Section window. In the Upload window that appears (shown at right), click the (A) Select button. Navigate to the computer and location where the image is located. If you need to add more than three images, click the (B) ADD button. After selecting the images, click (C) Upload to add the images to the list of available files. You can now use the instructions above to add your new image(s) to the wireframe.

Attaching Links to Images

Upload Image Window

You can make images “clickable,” providing links from them to other resources or websites. Navigate to the target resource and copy the URL. Select the image you want to add the link to which will open the Edit Dynamic Section window. Click in the URL field and paste in the URL. In the Link Name field, provide a descriptive name for the link for reporting purposes. In the Target dropdown, the system defaults to New Window (the linked item opens in a new window), which is the recommended option.

Finally, in the Alt Text field, enter some descriptive text for the image. This text will appear instead of the image for users who view emails as text-only or who have image downloads disabled in their browser. Click (7) Save.

Resize an Image

If you select an image that is too large or too small for the placeholder in the wireframe, the system will proportionally stretch or squeeze the image to fit the placeholder dimensions. The results should be satisfactory however if you do not like the results you can resize your image. If your image is too big for the placeholder, you can use an image editor to resize it. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the file and right-click it. Look at the “Open with” options available to see if you have an editor, such as Microsoft Office 2010, to open and resize it. If not, you will assistance from someone with editing software. Be careful enlarging your image to ensure the quality is still acceptable.

 Need to replace an image

If you want to make changes to the image you uploaded you can make changes to the file offline and re-upload the image. To replace the image you previously uploaded, (A) select the image, keeping the same file name, Check the Overwrite if file exists box which is found under the Add button and click (C) Upload to add your new image. Keep in mind that when you preview your newsletter might see the previous image. If this is the case after you have uploaded a new image clear your computer cache.

No Image for a Placeholder in a Wireframe

If you do not add an image where there is a placeholder, there will simply be a blank area there in your email.



Labeling Links

Links are labeled for reporting purposes. If links are labeled you are able to review what links were most often clicked you can determine what topics generate the most interest from your readers. Thus allowing content to be created that best fits your readers interest, thus driving up your open and click rates for your emails. It is a good idea for your company to determine a plan on how you want links labeled. A suggestion is Product Category followed by content type.

So although labeling of your hyperlinks in not mandatory it is definitely recommended. The report are still possible if links are labeled but it is much more difficult to read and determine what content is generating the most interest.

There are two places to label links, in the Hyperlink Manager as you add the links to your content or in the Email Summary tab both options are discussed below.

Labeling links from the Hyperlink Managerhyperlink_Manager

When adding a link to your content there is the option to also name the link in the Link Name field of the Hyperlink Manager. Link names can be modified in this window as well. If the link has been previously been used the previous name will appear in the window. When you are done making changes click OK at the bottom right of the Hyperlink Manager window.

When creating a target list you have the option to search for a keyword found inside the link name, thus labeling links becomes even more important. By labeling links based on the topic of interest you can later pull a list to find contacts interested in a particular topic.

We recommend that you do not use the “&” in the link name, if necessary use the word “and” instead of a “&” symbol.

Labeling Links in Email Summary tab

Labeling links in the Email Summary tab allows you to label all the links in your email all at once versus one at a time. The benefit of this is seeing all the links in your email in a list allowing it to be simpler to be consistent in your link labeling.

To reach the Email Summary tab click on your email (the blue envelope) on the left side of your screen, which will open the email summary window on the right side of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom of your page to see the Results by Link URL section.

Next to each link you will see a pencil, which allows you to edit the Link Name (label), then the Link Name column followed by the Link URL. The link is clickable if you are unsure where the link is pointing. Click on the pencil, a pop up will appear where you can add the Link Name. Click Update when complete. Link Names can be added or changed after the email is dropped. As mentioned above the labeling of links based on the topic of interest can be very helpful if you later want to create a target list based on contacts interested in a specific topic.

In the Results by Link URL window The links with the same Link name will be grouped together. Also note worthy is the ViewInBrowser or Forward to a Friend Links will not be listed as links.