Each marketing playbook provides you with basic, step-by-step instructions to perform the basic marketing tactics available in LeadCentral. The steps in each playbook are organized to give you a road map to successfully complete each of these tactics.

Tradeshow Playbook

Tradeshows are a great source of qualified leads. This playbook describes how to import and refine a list of qualified leads, create an email to the list of prospects, and inform you sales team of the assigned leads.

Website Offer Playbook

Offering additional information via your website is a smart way to identify interested prospects. Each person who requests an offer can be added to your contact database so you can convert them into qualified leads through a nurture program. This playbook describes adding a LeadCentral landing page to your website to capture visitor contact information.

Product Alert Email Playbook 

Sending out a email to a focused list of contacts is a great way to inform them of new products or capabilities. This Playbook takes you through the steps needed to create a focused target list, design your email template based on a pre-designed wireframe, and distribute your email.

Publish Newsletter Playbook

Newsletters are an effective way to make regular contact with prospects via a series of informational emails. This playbook is very similar to the Product Alert Playbook, with additional information about the unique design aspects of a newsletter.

Post-Webinar Nurture Playbook

Educational webinars are a great tool to build customer interest. The challenge is how to turn that interest into qualified leads. This playbook shows how to build an automated post-event nurture program. It describes how to create a contact list of attendees and follow up with them via emails targeted to their interests.

Custom Process Playbook

Automation is useful tool when you want to target a select set of contacts for a short term marketing campaign. For example you can send a series of emails inviting the customer to an event.  This Playbook takes you through the steps needed to create a focused target list, design your email template based on a pre-designed wireframe, and distribute your emails.