Plan Editorial Schedule

As you in the planning stages for your email drops it is a good idea to create an editorial schedule to outline what topics you want to cover and what materials and offers you have to tell that story. Then lay out the desired dates for each email drop, no matter what the drop schedule is, monthly, bi-monthly or weekly, and fill it in with the topics and materials necessary for the drop. This will help to ensure you are getting the coverage on all the areas of business you want included. As well as uncover gaps in the schedule and indicate where new content or offers are necessary.

Consider the timing of outside events are happening in your industry when building the schedule. It is a good rule of thumb to include deadlines to keep everything on track. At a minimum enter specific dates for the next two-three months, to help determine deadlines. The calendar can include a content schedule for a year or even more just realize that it will need to be flexible as the business goals may change and the content may need to be altered along with these changes. GrowthPoint can help you create content and offers the first step is to determine what is needed and the approximate timing of those needs.