How can I test a landing page?

After you have entered your content, it is very important to review and test the landing page. Proofread the text to be sure it accurate and grammatically correct.

There are several ways to test your landing page. The first thing you may want to do is Click View Page from the Landing Page Summary Screen. You can view the Thank You page as well by appending “ty” to your landing page URL. For example, change the landing page URL from: (this is the landing page)

to (this is the thank you page for the above landing page)

Another option to testing a landing page is placing the project on override and completing the landing page. To place the project on override open the project in the MRC. Near the bottom of the page under the Customer Communications section there is a field with a checkbox “Redirect all Project Email”. Check the box in front of the field and enter your email address. The email address entered on the project redirect can be your company address or a personal mailbox. After completing the field click update at the bottom of the page. Now all leads that come into the project will be graded by the system and assigned to the correct person based on your project set up but will be emailed to the email address listed. This allows testing of the page as many times as you want and a sales person will not be bothered with your test messages. After you are done testing make sure to remove the redirect email address or you will get all the leads. Also notify your project manager to remove your test leads from the system. They will need the company name or email addresses that you used in your tests to find the leads.

If you use your company email address:

Note that If you use your company email address when completing the landing page the lead created will be graded cold or nurture. This is because there is a rule that codes leads from your company email domain as either nurture or cold so the sales person will not be notified of a lead that isn’t truly a lead. This is the case if the project is on override or not.

What is the Landing Page named:

When you are reviewing the content look at the text that appears in the tab when you open the page. Is this what you want a customer to see. This field is completed based on what you entered as your landing page name. The name can be edited in the Project by clicking on the pencil next to the Landing Page name or by clicking on the landing page icon on the left side of your screen. On the Landing Page Summary tab the Landing Page name can be seen at the top of the page. After changing the name click update to save your changes.