
Where do I view results of an email drop?

Email results can be viewed 4 different ways. Each method uses the same log information, but is presented in different contexts. To learn more about Email reporting refer to this article. Email results can be accessed by:

  • Navigate the the specific email summary page. The most detailed information about a drop will be located there. Information will include details on emails sent, opened, which links were clicked, ect.. On all the counts that are displayed, you can drill down to see which specific Contacts opened or clicked on links.
  • Navigate to the Project Summary page and click on the Reporting tab. On the reporting page you will see reporting on all the emails within the project. You will not see the same link reporting detail as on the email summary page.
  • Navigate to the Campaign Summary Page. on the Campaign page click on the Reports tab. There you will see a summary of all the emails send within the campaign.
  • Monthly the system pushes out a Newsletter summary report via email. To add you name to the distribution of that report, contact your GrowthPoint contact.

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Can you give me an overview on how to use the Lead Resource Center?

The Lead Resource Center is an online database allowing you to view your leads, or leads for multiple people/teams, depending on your access.  Manipulate the data in any way you choose.  You can create as many views as you want and save them for later access.  For example, create a view of open Hot leads, or all the leads from a specific campaign for a specific time period and save that view so you don’t have to recreate it at a later time (see #5 for more details about views).  You can also export data to further manipulate it in excel.


Below are helpful tips for applying the useful features of this tool.

Refer to the number on the image above as a reference on each feature:

  • The Tools menu (1) can be accessed by clicking on the downward pointing arrow by the company name. The tools menu allows you to change applications or change your password.
  • Reorder columns by clicking on the column name and dragging it to the position of your choice.
  • If you have visibility to multiple tabs, click on the tab title (2) to change tabs.
  • Add/Remove Columns (3) gives you the ability to add or remove any standard or custom field. When you click “Add/Remove Columns” a popup will appear, a screen shot of this pop-up can be found to the right. Standard fields are fields available for use on all leads while Custom fields are used only for specific campaigns. Click on the appropriate tab and then check or uncheck the fields you want to add or remove when you are done selecting fields click Apply Changes.
  • By clicking Refresh at the top of your screen you can see any updates you have completed to leads. For example if you update the lead status on some leads and want to see the updates in your view, click refresh and the changes will appear.
  • Click on the magnifying glass (4) to open a separate window for any desired lead(s).
  • Views (5) give you the ability to save specific sets of data. For example you can create a view of all your open leads and all the fields you want to see in the order you want the fields then save that view for future reference.You can save multiple views or edit an existing view. To save a desired view click ‘View’ and choose, save view. To access any existing views click on ‘View’.
  • Filters (6) can be accessed by clicking on the “…” just below any column header value to apply a filter to that column. This will open a filtering box with all of the available filtering options for the column. See the sample of a Filter popup on the right. To save a filter, click on “Apply”.A column with an applied filter will say the words “Filter Applied” just below the column header name – It is important to not remove a filtered column from a saved view.
Filter Options Explained in further detail:
  1. Sort Options when filtering:  Sort a view ascending or descending by a particular column – Always click ‘Apply’ to utilize the desired filter. (Shown on the top of the filter popup image to the right)
  2. Advance filtering is also an option. In advance filtering you can filter for a specific text, contains to search for part of a phrase, or many other options. mage shown to the right. Advanced filtering is available via orange button in the filter popup)
  3. Advanced Filtering for Dates: When using advance filtering on a data field there is a “Custom filter” for specific time frames (this month, this year etc.) Always click ‘Apply’ to utilize the desired filter.
  4. Add Summary Row:  Apply a summary row to your column or multiple columns. In the filter popup you will see your options (details below). Always click ‘Apply’ to utilize the desired filter:
    • Text: Count
    • Date: Min Value (earliest date), Max Value (latest date)
    • Numeric: Count, Sum, Average, Min Value (lowest number), Max Value (highest value)
  5. Removing a filter or summary row: To remove a filter or a summary row click on the filter icon, funnel with an x next to it, to ‘Filter Options’.  After clicking the icon click ‘Apply’ to reset your filter.  By using the reset option at the top of the screen you can reset all your filters at once. Or use ‘Reset’ to remove your column, filter or sort changes all at once.

How do I know what Landing Page wireframe to use?

The Landing Page Wireframes are named so that you can determine what the purpose is of each page. The name is comprised of three parts to describe the type of lead created, the tactic being use and then the design element, i.e. images, columns, secondary offers etc. Below is a more detailed explanation and examples:

  1. Naming Structure: Lead Type / Tactic Type / Other
    • Nurture Lead
    • Sales Lead
  2. Lead Types
    • Offer
    • Webinar
    • Opt In
    • Opt Out
    • Talk to Sales
    • Survey
  3. Other
    • Graphic
    • No Graphic
    • 3 col (ie 3 column or 2 column)
    • 2nd LP promo (i.e. 2nd Landing page Promotional offer)
    • 2nd TY promo (i.e. Secondary Thank you page promotion)
    • IPAD
  4. Examples
    • Nurture Lead/Offer/Graphic
    • Nurture Lead/Webinar/3 Col/Graphic/2nd TY promo
    • Sales Lead/Talk to Sales/No Graphic
    • Sales Lead/Survey/IPAD

If you are having problems determining which template to use you can contact your project manager for help.





How can I test a landing page?

After you have entered your content, it is very important to review and test the landing page. Proofread the text to be sure it accurate and grammatically correct.

There are several ways to test your landing page. The first thing you may want to do is Click View Page from the Landing Page Summary Screen. You can view the Thank You page as well by appending “ty” to your landing page URL. For example, change the landing page URL from: (this is the landing page)

to (this is the thank you page for the above landing page)

Another option to testing a landing page is placing the project on override and completing the landing page. To place the project on override open the project in the MRC. Near the bottom of the page under the Customer Communications section there is a field with a checkbox “Redirect all Project Email”. Check the box in front of the field and enter your email address. The email address entered on the project redirect can be your company address or a personal mailbox. After completing the field click update at the bottom of the page. Now all leads that come into the project will be graded by the system and assigned to the correct person based on your project set up but will be emailed to the email address listed. This allows testing of the page as many times as you want and a sales person will not be bothered with your test messages. After you are done testing make sure to remove the redirect email address or you will get all the leads. Also notify your project manager to remove your test leads from the system. They will need the company name or email addresses that you used in your tests to find the leads.

If you use your company email address:

Note that If you use your company email address when completing the landing page the lead created will be graded cold or nurture. This is because there is a rule that codes leads from your company email domain as either nurture or cold so the sales person will not be notified of a lead that isn’t truly a lead. This is the case if the project is on override or not.

What is the Landing Page named:

When you are reviewing the content look at the text that appears in the tab when you open the page. Is this what you want a customer to see. This field is completed based on what you entered as your landing page name. The name can be edited in the Project by clicking on the pencil next to the Landing Page name or by clicking on the landing page icon on the left side of your screen. On the Landing Page Summary tab the Landing Page name can be seen at the top of the page. After changing the name click update to save your changes.

What is a landing page wireframe and why use one?

A landing page wireframe is the template which has the outline and design all fixed and set-up for you with text boxes where you can add your content. A huge benefit of utilizing a landing page wireframe is the design of the page is set and by a click of the button you can open a text box to add your content, you do not need to create a design, write or edit  html or choose a font size or font type that is all pre-set for you. The form fields are set and do not need to be modified in any way.  Specific fields that needed based on the page type are already there for you. For example Country must be included if someone is opting into a newsletter and if you have specific information that needs to be collected such as company size so the leads are graded appropriately those fields are included in the page design. The templates are named so it is clear which ones are to be used for a nurture campaign vs. which templates you will want to select when you want a sales lead created. So how do you create a landing page using a wireframe template?

  1. Add a landing page to your project by choosing the option “Add New Landingpage” option. If you need more details on creating a project or adding a landing page to a project click here.
    • You can choose to copy an existing page if so desired. If the original page is a custom page the html page will be copied over. If the page you are choosing to copy is in a wireframe then the wireframe and its current content will be copied.
  2. Click on the Landing Page Summary and choose Wireframe in the Landing Page Creation Method section. When you do this you will see the wireframe available. Your choices are in folders and named clearly so you can tell the purpose of each option. If you are not sure which option will best meet your needs, contact your project manager. Do you need help choosing a Landing page Wireframe? The naming structure explaining how to easily determine the purpose of each wireframe is outlined here.
    • If you determine you want a different Landing Page wireframe it can be changed. If you change wireframes you will loose any content you have entered. We recommend that you delete the landing page from the project level and start over as this will make sure you have no browser caching issues that will cause your page to not look right. After you delete the page start back at step 1 adding a new blank page.
    • In the Edit Landing Page tab as well as on the Landing Page Summary you can see the name of the wireframe you have chosen. (1)
    • There is an image of sample landing page wireframe shown on the right, in this sample there are images included. (3) Not all wireframes include the option for images.
  3. Next step is to add your content. To start click on the Edit Landing Page Tab. Adding content to a Landing Page is the same as adding text to a Email Wireframe. There are details below, however you can also find more information on adding text here. Start by clicking the text box to open it and add text. (2) There separate text boxes for each type of content, such as the headline, subhead and body text. When adding text the font size and type is preset for you all that is necessary is for you to add the content, however you are able to bold, underline, indent add bullets and hyperlinks if you so choose. This is to simplify the process and ensure a unified look. After entering your content to click save (the button is at the bottom of the Edit Dynamic section popup box) and after all the content for you landing page is entered click update at the bottom of the landing page.
    • If you want to copy the text for the page from a word document you can, it is recommended that you paste the plain text into the wireframe. You can also copy the text from a different landing page. In this case it is recommended that you open the page in a browser that you want to grab the content from. They copy the desired text and paste as plain text in the new landing page wireframe text box.
  4. Does your page have editable images? If so you will see gray boxes on your landing page wireframe. (3)When you hover over the image the cursor will change to a pointer hand. Click the image placeholder to view the document manager will appear, you can upload new images or select one from the library. If you need more detail on how to use the Image Manager click here.
  5. The form fields are set (4) and will map to the appropriate fields in the live system. These fields are not editable. If there are fields you need on your wireframe that are not there talk to your project manager who will be able to determine if there is a better template to use or if a new wireframe is necessary.
  6. After entering text for your Landing page the next step is to enter content on your thank you page. To do this click on the Edit Thank You Page Tab. Just as you did on the landing page click each text box section and add and save your content.
  7. Do not forget to add a link to your offer (if there is a downloadable offer) in the “Download Now” button. When you click on the button to add the hyperlink to your offer and if desired change the button’s text.
  8. When you are done with your Thank you page edits make sure you click the Update button at the bottom of your page to save your changes
  9. You are not done yet. The last step is to test your new page. It is interesting how when you pull up the page to view it live how you may notice spelling errors that you didn’t previously notice.  There are several ways to test the page and you can read about the process in detail here.


Checklist for Sending Broadcast Emails

Content Process

  1. Collect newsletter content
  2. Add new email template to the project
  3. Select a From address in the Email Summary page from the drop down
  4. Enter a From name to the Email Summary tab
  5. Select a Reply to Email address in the Email Summary page from the drop down
  6. Enter a Reply name to the Email Summary page
  7. Enter a subject line
  8. Select a Wireframe from the drop down list
  9. Click Update on the Email Summary tab to save your changes
  10. Click on the Edit Email tab and enter content (images, text and hyperlinks)
  11. Label your hyperlinks (for reporting purposes), this can be done when entering the content or after

Testing Process

  1. Send a test to yourself and make modifications as necessary
  2. Verify all links work and open to the correct pages
  3. Review the content carefully to ensure accuracy
  4. Verify the correct images are shown
  5. Verify the from Name and Reply to emails and vanity names are correct
  6. Verify the subject line is correct
  7. If you have an approval team send a test to the test list of approvers for final approval
  8. Once HTML is approved, create the Text version
  9. After all content is approved and testing is complete clear the tests logs for your email template by clicking Reset Test logs button on Email Summary Page.
  10. IF you have a new landing page (not used previously) you can also Clear the Data Log on the landing page as well.
  11. If you are doing an A/B test, create the second (or third) version of the newsletter at this time and make sure to test the new content.

Confirm Correct Lists in Place

  1. Open the project with the batch email template and confirm the correct target lists are selected. Typically lists are not changed between drops one reason there is a project per type of newsletter drop.
  2. Confirm the suppression list is in place
  3. Verify the list count: Click the Calculate Count icon seen under the List Summary at the bottom of your project to verify the total number of contacts that will be sent to the mailing.

Schedule the Newsletter

  1. In the project on the line of the desired email template select the Status of Approved from the drop down
  2. Click on the calendar icon under the Schedule column and select the drop date desired
  3. Click on the clock icon to set the time for your drop (the time is based on the server time which is shown on the page)
  4. Click the Save New Schedule button in the schedule column
  5. If you want the batch email to be sent more than once set a date and time for the second drop. To schedule the second drop to anyone that didn’t open the first email in Second Drop column, click the calendar button to select the date, click the clock button to select the time. Finally Click the Save New Schedule button and then the Save Second Drop Schedule button.
  6. Next select an option from the Delay From Last Sent Email column. Choose 1 day for time sensitive materials and 4 days for typical mailings.
  7. When you are done click Update at the bottom of the project.


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How do I set up an A/B Landing Pages test?

Yes. If you have a hunch that something on your webpages aren’t working or maybe you want  to try something new, but aren’t sure how to evaluate whether its successful. Either way, the solution you’re looking for is A/B testing. A/B testing

A/B testing (or split testing) pits two (or more) versions of a page against each other to determine which is more successful, in terms of the goal you set. For example you may want to see which results in an increased conversion rate.  Running A/B tests gives you real, quantifiable data on your users and can help you make more educated decisions. Setting up a Landing page test in Lead Central is relatively simple.

Setting up your A/B Test

1) Add a Landing page to your project, maybe this is your standard landing page format or you can create a test from a project that already has a landing page with results attached.AdvancedFeatureLandingPages

2) On the left side of your screen click on the landing page. A thumbnail and Landing Page summary will appear on the right side of your screen. Click on the Advance Feature button seen on the Landing Page Summary screen. When you click you will see the Landing Page Advance Feature pop-up screen. This screen is shown to the right. Then click on the check box by the Testing Enabled: (1). You will see a pop-up that confirms that the results from the current landing page will be moved to the first version of your landing page test. Click OK, if this is what you want to do.

Why is there a warning message?

If you have a active landing with results you can continue to use the page as part of your test. The results that are attached to the page will move to the first version of your test. That is when you start your test the results will be added to your existing results. If you plan on making extensive changes to the page then you may want to set your first test to a 0% to preserve the orginal results. There is more on how to set your test percentages below.

3) Now that you have accepted the pop up message you can see the first page attached to your project. Click on the pencil (2) next to the page name to edit the page name or allocation percentage, the page defaults to 100%. When you are done click OK.

4) Click Add New Page button (3) to add additional pages to test. Choose a page for the Copy/Create New Page drop down, name the page and set the allocation percentage. Adding a landing page is just like adding a page in a project with a single page. Scroll down to Master Template and Misc., click on the plus by the project entitled Current Branded Landing page Templates. Choose the desired landing page to copy. The landing page domain used will be the same one that you set up in your original Landing page.

5) Click Save. Then on the left side of your screen you will see a plus sign next to your landing page. When you click on it you will see the pages set up for your test.

Making changes to your pages

Click on the page you want to edit on the left side of the screen then make edits by clicking on Edit Page or Edit Thank you page so you would typically do for a page that is not have a AB Test set up.


Take a look at the results of your test by click on the master Landing page. On the right side of your screen you will see the Landing page summary and a section entitled Results by Landing Page. In this section the Name of each page will appear and you can see all the typically tracked results such as Opens, Conversions and Conversion Rate. There are much more data available for viewing in this section.

A/B Test options for a Prospect Email

Testing is a very important factor in your marketing portfolio. Before sending out your email you can set up an A/B test of your email template to test the subject line or even the content of the newsletter. The system allowsEmailSummaryforABtest you to split your test as many times as you want (even though we are calling it an A/B test), although keep in mind the size of your mailing list before you split into multiple tests. You could always make a test schedule to document what you want to test, the timing as well as track the results. The list of what you can or may want to test may be endless but as you gather results of each test your list of what needs testing may be modified as you discover what works best for your market.

Setting up an A/B Test

Lets start by overview on how to set up an A/B test. We recommend you finish your newsletter/email content before splitting it to save you time, this includes creating the text version of the newsletter. After the content is complete and before the newsletter is scheduled. Open the prospect email and then click on the Email Summary tab (1) then click the Advanced Options button (2), which will cause a new window to open, shown in the second screen shot.



In the Email Template – Advanced Options window (shown to the right) you can set up your tests. First click the Testing Enabled check box (4) which will show you your original template. Click Add New Template Button (3) to add additional versions to test.  When you click the Add new template you will get an additional popup to Add/Edit AB Test Template. First label your template a logical name as it is shown in reporting. Next choose a template to copy, from the template location drop down.

You can choose Campaign-Prospect or Process-Prospect. Campaign-Prospect is the location of a template that is the Campaign Management system. A template will be in Process-Prospect if it is part of a Automation Process (under the Automation tab in the MRC). After you choose one of these options you will see the standard tree structure. Find the template you want to copy, click on it and indicate a percentage of your list to get that version of the template and then click ok. In the example you can see we are running an AB test so each version is going to 50% of the list. To change the percentage on any of the templates click on the pencil (under edit) next to the template name. In this window you can also modify the template name, if necessary. Before you click save (5), your Allocation % needs to equal 100%. And each percentage has to be full number.

Editing your New Templates

ab email templates

You now have 2 (or more) templates attached to your project. On the left side of your screen you will see your templates and there is an example shown on the left. When a prospect email is split into test there will be a plus sign next to the blue envelope (A). When you click that plus the drop down will expand (B) and show you the versions of your template. (in the screen shot that would be Test 1 or Test 2)


By clicking on the blue envelope for each template (Test 1 or Test 2) you can make the necessary changes. Edits are done the same if the template is an AB Test or if it is an individual template. For example to do a Subject line test click on the email summary tab (1) for the template you want to change (for example Test 1) and enter the subject line then click update to save your changes.

If you want to make content changes, first open the email template you want to change, then click on the Edit Email tab and make the necessary changes. Make sure to click Update at the bottom of the screen to save your changes. For more detail on how to make edits click here.

Viewing the Results

To see the results of your test you can click on the Master email template (A). On the right side of your screen you will see the Email Summary Tab open. In the results sections there is a new column shown, Template Name. Under the Results by Email template section you can see the results broken down by email template. For example, open rate breakdown for each test as well as all the rest of the results fields such as total clicks, unique clicks etc. In the next section you can see the Results by Link Url section there is also a breakdown by template name.


Can an existing lead be updated?

The demographic information is all changeable by anyone with access to the lead. For example if the phone number  or email address is incorrect it can be updated.

If you have an instance where a group of leads were entered without a key piece of information, that information can be appended to the existing lead by GrowthPoint without re-entering the lead. For example, if you had a file from a tradeshow entered into the system and the field that indicated the company size was left off, that information can a be appended to the existing lead. To do this we need the Lead ID and any fields that you want to modify or add to the existing lead. The Lead ID can be found is the Lead Resource Center and will be a 4-6 digit number.

GrowthPoint can do the import for you, contact your project manager if you have questions.







Including lead data in an email

Any data that is collected thus in the lead can be included in an email to customize the message per recipient  You will find a list of available fields in the “DynamicDataField” drop down. In the screen shot below data is being added to the email utilizing a wireframe to create the format. Dynamic Data Fields can be added to any email whether or not a wireframe is utilized to create the message. The field names will appear with two colons on each side of the field name. This tells the system to populate the field based on the data in the lead. For example if you want to have the name of the assigned person to show in the email, Assigned name will be selected from the drop down list and will appear in your text as ::AssignedName::. Then when the email is sent the appropriate assigned sales persons name will appear in each email. Or you can send an email to a list of prospects and address the emails to them, for example Dear ::Name::.DynamicDataField

Source Description on Automation Processes

When creating an automation process the Source Description that is entered into the Sales Template on the automation process needs to be copied to Campaign Management into the Source Description folder on the project.

This is only necessary when a lead is reassigned, as a reassigned lead takes the sales email template and source description from the project inside of Campaign Management versus the template that exists in Automation.

If this step is left off the lead will be reassigned and the sales person will still be notified but they will not be able to see the source description (description of how the lead was generated) inside their email.





How do I assign each lead in an export file to a different person?

If you have a file to be imported and you want to assign to leads to specific people which are not part of a channel. For example you have a few sales people to receive leads vs assigning the leads based on their zip code and channel.

  • The first step is to ensure the contacts to receive the leads are all in the User Resource Center
  • Secondly write down the name of each sales person to receive the lead in your file
  • Add a column to your spreadsheet with the column header LandingPageAssignment
  • Look up the ContactID for each of the contacts to receive leads. You likely will have to add the ContactID column to your view.
  • Enter the data in the column under the LandingPageAssignment header. In front of each number enter the data in this format (it is case sensitive) ContactID=#. Example below
  • The Sales Person’s name does not have to be left in the file but it is helpful for cross checking the assignments
  • The project that the leads are going into has to have the channel set to Landing Page or the assignment will not work correctly. If you do not want to change the project set up (ie you have leads coming from multiple sources, you can add a column to the spreadsheet that is set to Channel for the value of Landing Page. The data in the excel spreadsheet will override the project set up.



Automation Process

How do I add a Sales Email to a Custom Process?

If you copied an Automation Process and there is a missing sales email in the Project in Campaign Management follow these steps.


This step is only necessary if there is no sales email (a red envelope) in your project.

  1. Click on Campaign Management at the top of your screen
  2. Change the filter (top left) from Active Projects to All Projects and click Filter Project Button
  3. Open the newly created project by clicking on the project name on the left side of your screen.
  4. The Project Setup Details will be open on the right side of your screen.
  5. In the Project Attributes Section at the top of the screen change the Project Type from Custom Process to Standard Process, this will cause a few additional fields to appear and some fields to change to blank.
  6. In the Project Attributes Section set the Division for projects leads
  7. In Lead Distribution (1) set the Channel to Default
  8. In the Lead Qualification (2) set the grade to Nurture
  9. In the Customer Communication (3) section set the drop down to Sales Only. The process will override this and still send to the prospects, but this step is necessary so a sales email is sent if a lead is reassigned.
  10. Select the Sales Template (3) in the Customer Communication section, we recommend you choose the Default Sales Template.
  11. Click Update to save your changes.
  12. Change the Project Attributes back to Custom Process the original process will be reattached to your project
  13. Reselect the Division.
  14. Select the Lead Distribution channel to Default
  15. In Lead Qualification select the Grade of Nurture
  16. Click Update to save your changes.
  17. Click on Automation and open your Automation Process to the Process Summary page. Under the Source of records section (low on the page), select Leads from Project radio button, click the Select Project button, choose the project from the drop down, and click save in the pop up window. Finally click Save Changes at the bottom of the Process Summary page.

Now you are ready to go to the next step and enter the content for your landing pages used in the process.

How do changes in a target list affect an active automation process?

If contacts are removed from a target list that is attached to an automation process they will not be removed from the process, unless said names are suppressed. For example if you have a target list based automation process running and a group of names are removed, you need to suppress those names if you want those contacts to not get any future emails. More specifically if your target list has people from the United States and Mexico on it but after you start the process you determine you do not want anyone from Mexico to get emails, you need to add the contacts from Mexico to your suppression list as this is the only way they can be removed from a process that they are already active in.

If new contacts are entered into LeadCentral that meet the criteria of your target list, those contacts will be added to a Target list based automation process.

If someone is already in the Target list and the same contact gets entered into LeadCentral again the same contact will automatically be suppressed from entered the process again. Specifically the same contact will not get the same set of emails more than once.



How can I remove someone from an automation process?

If someone is in an automation process the only way they can be removed after they have started the process is to put them on the suppression list. Most likely that will mean to “opt-out” from receiving future emails. Each time an email is set from an automation process the suppression list is reviewed for new opt-outs.

Source Description on Automation Processes

When creating an automation process the Source Description that is entered into the Sales Template on the automation process needs to be copied to Campaign Management into the Source Description folder on the project.

This is only necessary when a lead is reassigned, as a reassigned lead takes the sales email template and source description from the project inside of Campaign Management versus the template that exists in Automation.

If this step is left off the lead will be reassigned and the sales person will still be notified but they will not be able to see the source description (description of how the lead was generated) inside their email.





Lead Resource Center

Can you give me an overview on how to use the Lead Resource Center?

The Lead Resource Center is an online database allowing you to view your leads, or leads for multiple people/teams, depending on your access.  Manipulate the data in any way you choose.  You can create as many views as you want and save them for later access.  For example, create a view of open Hot leads, or all the leads from a specific campaign for a specific time period and save that view so you don’t have to recreate it at a later time (see #5 for more details about views).  You can also export data to further manipulate it in excel.


Below are helpful tips for applying the useful features of this tool.

Refer to the number on the image above as a reference on each feature:

  • The Tools menu (1) can be accessed by clicking on the downward pointing arrow by the company name. The tools menu allows you to change applications or change your password.
  • Reorder columns by clicking on the column name and dragging it to the position of your choice.
  • If you have visibility to multiple tabs, click on the tab title (2) to change tabs.
  • Add/Remove Columns (3) gives you the ability to add or remove any standard or custom field. When you click “Add/Remove Columns” a popup will appear, a screen shot of this pop-up can be found to the right. Standard fields are fields available for use on all leads while Custom fields are used only for specific campaigns. Click on the appropriate tab and then check or uncheck the fields you want to add or remove when you are done selecting fields click Apply Changes.
  • By clicking Refresh at the top of your screen you can see any updates you have completed to leads. For example if you update the lead status on some leads and want to see the updates in your view, click refresh and the changes will appear.
  • Click on the magnifying glass (4) to open a separate window for any desired lead(s).
  • Views (5) give you the ability to save specific sets of data. For example you can create a view of all your open leads and all the fields you want to see in the order you want the fields then save that view for future reference.You can save multiple views or edit an existing view. To save a desired view click ‘View’ and choose, save view. To access any existing views click on ‘View’.
  • Filters (6) can be accessed by clicking on the “…” just below any column header value to apply a filter to that column. This will open a filtering box with all of the available filtering options for the column. See the sample of a Filter popup on the right. To save a filter, click on “Apply”.A column with an applied filter will say the words “Filter Applied” just below the column header name – It is important to not remove a filtered column from a saved view.
Filter Options Explained in further detail:
  1. Sort Options when filtering:  Sort a view ascending or descending by a particular column – Always click ‘Apply’ to utilize the desired filter. (Shown on the top of the filter popup image to the right)
  2. Advance filtering is also an option. In advance filtering you can filter for a specific text, contains to search for part of a phrase, or many other options. mage shown to the right. Advanced filtering is available via orange button in the filter popup)
  3. Advanced Filtering for Dates: When using advance filtering on a data field there is a “Custom filter” for specific time frames (this month, this year etc.) Always click ‘Apply’ to utilize the desired filter.
  4. Add Summary Row:  Apply a summary row to your column or multiple columns. In the filter popup you will see your options (details below). Always click ‘Apply’ to utilize the desired filter:
    • Text: Count
    • Date: Min Value (earliest date), Max Value (latest date)
    • Numeric: Count, Sum, Average, Min Value (lowest number), Max Value (highest value)
  5. Removing a filter or summary row: To remove a filter or a summary row click on the filter icon, funnel with an x next to it, to ‘Filter Options’.  After clicking the icon click ‘Apply’ to reset your filter.  By using the reset option at the top of the screen you can reset all your filters at once. Or use ‘Reset’ to remove your column, filter or sort changes all at once.

General Topics

What content should be included in a Source Description in the sales email?

The sales call to action is a message detailing how the lead was created, what the customer expectations are, and how the sales person should handle follow-up. Providing the sales person what they need to effectively have a conversation with the prospect will help them follow up more quickly and have a more productive conversation with the lead.

This message should include the information that the prospect received, whether it as a document the prospect received or an event he/she attended. The message should also include a link to what the prospect received to the sales person can easily find and review it.

You can also provide links to additional material for the sales person to provide the customer, such as whitepapers, product information, or a schedule of upcoming events.

This Sales Call to Action is included in the Email to Sales and called the Source Description. The sales email template has basic information in it such as the prospect’s contact information, the lead grade, and a link to the lead online for complete detail of the information collected. Every lead should have a Source Description even if the lead is not immediately sent to Sales. This is because the Source Description can be seen from the Lead Detail sheet at all times. If the lead is reassigned, the source description will be sent to the new contact.

Customer_communicationswithselectionsWhen creating a new project, you have the opportunity to select a Sales email template in the Customer Communication section of the project set up. For more detail on the options in the Customer Communication section setup look under Project Setup Instructions. In the For the Sales Template the (1) Default Sales Template should have been chosen.


Project_sourcedescriptionIn the Marketing Resource Center in your project listed on the left side of your screen click the plus to see the email templates set up for this project. You will see a drop down list similar to the Image shown here for the project Tradeshow ABC 2015. Under the project name you will see your project has an item titled (2) Source Description. The red envelope is the sales email template. If you wish to view the contents, click on the red envelope but do not change it. The Sales Template has general information notifying the sales person they have been assigned a lead and general details on the lead as well as a link to the lead itself. If you want to change the template, contact GrowthPoint.


When you click on the words (2) Source description you will see a (3) text window where you can type in the content. Basic formatting tools are available, as well as the Hyperlink Manager if you want to add any links. When you are done adding your content click (4) Update.

Checklist for Sending Broadcast Emails

Content Process

  1. Collect newsletter content
  2. Add new email template to the project
  3. Select a From address in the Email Summary page from the drop down
  4. Enter a From name to the Email Summary tab
  5. Select a Reply to Email address in the Email Summary page from the drop down
  6. Enter a Reply name to the Email Summary page
  7. Enter a subject line
  8. Select a Wireframe from the drop down list
  9. Click Update on the Email Summary tab to save your changes
  10. Click on the Edit Email tab and enter content (images, text and hyperlinks)
  11. Label your hyperlinks (for reporting purposes), this can be done when entering the content or after

Testing Process

  1. Send a test to yourself and make modifications as necessary
  2. Verify all links work and open to the correct pages
  3. Review the content carefully to ensure accuracy
  4. Verify the correct images are shown
  5. Verify the from Name and Reply to emails and vanity names are correct
  6. Verify the subject line is correct
  7. If you have an approval team send a test to the test list of approvers for final approval
  8. Once HTML is approved, create the Text version
  9. After all content is approved and testing is complete clear the tests logs for your email template by clicking Reset Test logs button on Email Summary Page.
  10. IF you have a new landing page (not used previously) you can also Clear the Data Log on the landing page as well.
  11. If you are doing an A/B test, create the second (or third) version of the newsletter at this time and make sure to test the new content.

Confirm Correct Lists in Place

  1. Open the project with the batch email template and confirm the correct target lists are selected. Typically lists are not changed between drops one reason there is a project per type of newsletter drop.
  2. Confirm the suppression list is in place
  3. Verify the list count: Click the Calculate Count icon seen under the List Summary at the bottom of your project to verify the total number of contacts that will be sent to the mailing.

Schedule the Newsletter

  1. In the project on the line of the desired email template select the Status of Approved from the drop down
  2. Click on the calendar icon under the Schedule column and select the drop date desired
  3. Click on the clock icon to set the time for your drop (the time is based on the server time which is shown on the page)
  4. Click the Save New Schedule button in the schedule column
  5. If you want the batch email to be sent more than once set a date and time for the second drop. To schedule the second drop to anyone that didn’t open the first email in Second Drop column, click the calendar button to select the date, click the clock button to select the time. Finally Click the Save New Schedule button and then the Save Second Drop Schedule button.
  6. Next select an option from the Delay From Last Sent Email column. Choose 1 day for time sensitive materials and 4 days for typical mailings.
  7. When you are done click Update at the bottom of the project.


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Can an existing lead be updated?

The demographic information is all changeable by anyone with access to the lead. For example if the phone number  or email address is incorrect it can be updated.

If you have an instance where a group of leads were entered without a key piece of information, that information can be appended to the existing lead by GrowthPoint without re-entering the lead. For example, if you had a file from a tradeshow entered into the system and the field that indicated the company size was left off, that information can a be appended to the existing lead. To do this we need the Lead ID and any fields that you want to modify or add to the existing lead. The Lead ID can be found is the Lead Resource Center and will be a 4-6 digit number.

GrowthPoint can do the import for you, contact your project manager if you have questions.







What are some common terms and definitions?

Lead Definition

Leads are generated when time a person responds to a offer. Example, Sam Smith requests a white paper by filling out a landing page, or attends a tradeshow, or registers to a webinar, ect. Typically each time Sam resounds to an offer or event a new lead is generated. Each lead is graded. The lead grade determines if the lead will be passed on to sales. Typically Hot and Warm leads are sent to Sales for follow-up. Nurture graded leads are not sent to Sales and are records of the individual’s responses. Example, just downloading a white paper is not qualified enough to sent to Sales, so the lead is graded Nurture and can be added to newsletter lists for further nurturing and qualification.

Leads are typically viewed by Sales with the Lead Detail page. The link to the Lead Detail page is emailed to the assigned Sales Person when the lead is first generated in real time. Leads can also be viewed via the Lead Resource Center or Marketing Resource Center.

Contact Definition

contact is a unique person in the database. For example, there can be only one contact Sam Smith at Stellar Supply Company. When a new lead is generated, the system looks for the related contact. If the contact exists, the lead is attached to the contact. If there is no contact matching the lead, then the system creates a new contact and attaches the lead to it.

There will typically be more leads than contacts. Contact records hold only location (address, phone, company, etc.) and other demographic information. They do not include any information related to campaigns or projects. That information is contained in the lead(s) attached to the contact.

All of a Contact’s activities are logged within the system. If new leads are generated from that contact, the Contact record is updated with new or changed data, like address, phone, title, ect. The new lead is also linked to the Contact record. When emails are sent from the system they are sent to the Contact’s record. All of the Contact’s activity (email opens, links clicked and landing pages visited) associated with email sent are logged.

A User (Sales or Marketing) can view the history of a Contact’s activities and lead(s). Access to the Contact’s history can be done through any of the Contact’s lead Lead Detail page or from the Contact Detail page from the Lead Resource Center.

Target List Definition

The Target List defines the recipients for a mailing.  In LeadCentral, you do not actually create a list of recipients for your email. Instead, you establish a list of parameters that define who should receive the email. The list of parameters available is extensive, allowing you to exactly define recipients. You can include list parameters to both include people as well as exclude people.

When you are ready to distribute your mailing, LeadCentral evaluates the list of all possible email addresses in the database(s) based on the parameters you entered and returns the list of only the recipients specified. Creating mailing lists using this dynamic approach ensures that recipient information is always current and that you reach the desired targets.

Campaign Definition

Campaign_ProjectLevelCampaign is a specific set of tactics, such as Automation and Power World, or Data Center ISI.  In the MRC, Projects are organized into campaigns.

Project Definition

Project is a specific tactic such as a webinar or newsletter.  Multiple projects can be organized under a single Campaign.


Source Type Definition

The Source Type is the type of marketing tactic that the lead came from, such as a Webinar, Newsletter, or Media Sponsorship.  Each project in the MRC has a Source Type associated with it, and is used in reporting to group results by Source Type.

Source Definition

The lead Source is where the lead came from, in other words, the specific tactic that the person responded to.  When setting up a Project, the Lead Source is typically the same as the project name, however, the same Lead Source can be given to multiple projects if you wish to group them together for reporting purposes.  It is also important to set up a Source Description for sales when creating a Sales Email, which contains details and background information about the tactic for sales.

Landing Page Definition

A Landing Page is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on an offer.  The purpose is to persuade the visitor to take action by filling out some information in exchange for the offer.  The goal is to get as much information about the prospect as possible, but there is a delicate balance between how much information a prospect is willing to give up in order to get the offer.  For example, you can usually get people to give a name, email address, company, and maybe one or two profiling questions such as company type in order to download a white paper.  If you are offering a webinar, you can expect to collect more detailed information about the prospect.

Wireframe Definition

A Wireframe is the preformatted skeleton for an electronic document such as an email or newsletter. The wireframe may include some static content, text and images, that will be included in all documents based on the wireframe. The wireframe includes preformatted placeholders where you will insert your custom content. The wireframe is designed to meet your brand guidelines, including appropriate formatting and use of logos.

Email Template Definition

A Template is an electronic document, based on a wireframe, that has been customized with your content for a specific audience or application. Because it was based on a wireframe, all templates will have a consistent, professional appearance.

Lead Grade Definition

How a lead is graded is important to sales so they know which leads are most critical to handle first. It is important to not label a lead hot if it really isn’t or when a truly Hot lead comes through it will be ignored. Guidelines can be found below to help you determine how to grade your leads.

  • Hot leads: Hot leads are Prospect that have requested action, possibly a RFQ or a sales call, it is possible to have standard grading rules in your LeadCentral set-up that will grade a lead hot based on information provided, for example anytime there is a field that sales Sales Contact Requested a lead is graded Hot.
  • Warm leads: Prospect is evaluating options and has specifically expressed interest in your products. The prospect has noted they are working on a project but the timeline is still several months out.
  • FYI Only: Prospect has indicated general interest in your company versus a specific product interest, this is a logical grade for someone that registered but did not attend an event.
  • Nurture: If you want to capture the lead but not send it to a sales person for follow up. The contact can be targeted with additional value added information in hopes of getting them to request additional information. This is a logical grade for someone that has downloaded a whitepaper but not requested additional information.
  • Unqualified: If you would like to follow up with Telesales to further qualify the lead. To set up telesales follow up, please contact GrowthPoint.

Lead Assignment Definition

This is the person responsible for following up on the lead.  When setting up a project, the Lead Distribution section allows you to select from a drop down menu who should receive the leads.  All leads are assigned, even if they are not sent to sales.

Prospect Email Definition

A Prospect Email is an email sent to a prospect based on their activity, after they have responded or engaged in some way to a tactic.  For example, you might want to send everyone who attended your webinar an email thanking them for attending and offering more information that they might find useful.  The email should contain a message that will grab the prospect’s attention and tells them how you can solve their problem. Speak to your prospect’s hot buttons, what are the problems that your target experiences. Finally present the results your solution has produced or provide an offer that will help explain solving the problem or how others have solved a problem. Do not make the mistake of just telling the prospect just about what we do, tell them whats in it for them. Consider that you are taking up their valuable time to read your email and trying to get them to download your offer. The goal is to make your prospect want to know more.

Sales Email Definition

A Sales Email is an email that is sent to the assigned sales person when a Hot or Warm lead is entered into the system.  The Sales Email should contain a call to action called a Source Description, that details how the lead was created, what the customer expectations are and how the sales person should handle follow-up.  Providing the sales person what they need to effectively have a conversation with the prospect will help them follow up more quickly and have a more productive conversation with the lead. This description should include the information which was received or seen by the prospect. (For example, a link to the whitepaper that was received or a description of an event they attended) The description should include a link to that piece of material making it easier if the sales person has not seen it and does not require them to find it on your intranet. You can also hyperlink to additional material for the sales person to provide the customer, such as whitepapers, product information or a schedule of upcoming events.

Custom Process Definition

A Custom Process is one of the 3 different types of Projects available when setting up a new Project.  A Custom Process is used when special handling of the leads is necessary. The leads will follow the rules for Grading and Assigning however the communications that are sent out following the lead entering the process are customized. The grading and assignment rules can also be modified using the process.  If you think your Project requires a Custom Process, GrowthPoint is available to assist you with this setup.

How do I move a project to a different campaign?

Find your project in the listing in the Marketing Resource Center, click on the project name. The Project Summary screen will appear on the right side of the screen. Select a different campaign from the campaigns listed on the top right of your screen. When you are done click update at the bottom of the Project Summary page. Your project and any associated leads, email templates and landing pages will move to the new campaign.

How do I upload new leads into the system?

Detailed instructions for uploading leads can be found in the post Prepare Leads for Import.

An Excel Lead Import Format Template for uploading new leads can be found in the tools menu of the MRC.

The email address for submitting lead uploads to GrowthPoint is [email protected].

I can’t find my project within the list of campaigns in the MRC

If your project is not showing up in the MRC, make sure the filter is set to All Projects, and not Active Projects.  Set the drop down menu to All Projects and click Filter Project.



What is the difference between Project Types?

There are 3 different type of Projects that you see when you set up a new project. The option chosen is based on the goals of your project and what is and what you want to accomplish.

  • Standard Process: This process is used when you want to create a project that won’t need any special rules for handling the responses. The standard rules can be utilized to grade, assign the leads and send out specific communications after a lead is generated.
  • Custom Process: This process is used when special handling of the leads is necessary. The leads will follow the rules for Grading and Assigning however the communications that are sent out following the lead entering the process are customized. The grading and assignment rules can also be modified using the process.
  • Send Email Only: This process sends emails to a target list, no leads are entered into the project.

How do I find details about an existing Project within the system?

Project setup and results reporting are located on the Project Summary page. There are a few different ways to locate a specific Project.

  • Navigate from the Campaign tree within Campaign Management. The Campaign tree is organized with Campaigns at the top level, then Projects, then asserts with a Project like emails and landing pages. Filter
    The system default when showing the Campaign tree is set to Current Projects. That filter setting only shows Project with leads entered in the past year or Projects created in the past 30 days. If the Project you are looking for is not active it will NOT appear in the tree. You will need to change the filter to All Projects and click the Filter Project button.
  • If you do not know which campaign the Project you are looking for, use the search function. The search function will search the in tire database of Campaigns,  Projects, and Project Assets, but you will only be able to navigate to the Project if its in the Filtered View. To search just start typing the name of the Project and they search will do a look ahead search and show results of items containing the characters you typed in.

Once you have navigated to the Project Summary page you can view the setup of the Project or view the Results of the Project or it’s assets to date. Project Reporting tabTo view results click on the project reporting tab. That page will show three report grids. Within all the report grids, you can customize the results by filtering by date or adding additional columns to the report. You can also export the grid to excel by clicking on the excel icon.

  • The first grid will show the number of leads by lead grade. To view the results you will need to click the show data icon within the header of that report grid.
  • The second report grid is showing the results from all the landing pages within that Project. This will show number of times the landing page was Opened Unique Opens, last open date, Conversions (number of times a Prospect filled in the landing page fields and saved it), Conversion rate, Number of Clicks, ect.
  • The Third report grid shows results of all the emails sent from that Project. The report contains number of Emails Sent, Bounced, Delivery Rate, Unsubs, Opened, Open Rate, Clicks and Click rates.

Difference between Leads vs. Contacts

Contact Definition

A contact is a unique person in the database. For example, there can be only one contact Sam Smith at Stellar Supply Company. When a new lead is generated, the system looks for the related contact. If the contact exists, the lead is attached to the contact. If there is no contact matching the lead, then the system creates a new contact and attaches the lead to it.

There will typically be more leads than contacts. Contact records hold only location (address, phone, company, etc.) and other demographic information. They do not include any information related to campaigns or projects. That information is contained in the lead(s) attached to the contact.

All of a Contact’s activities are logged within the system. If new leads are generated from that contact, the Contact record is updated with new or changed data, like address, phone, title, ect. The new lead is also linked to the Contact record. When emails are sent from the system they are sent to the Contact’s record. All of the Contact’s activity (email opens, links clicked and landing pages visited) associated with email sent are logged.

A User (Sales or Marketing) can view the history of a Contact’s activities and lead(s). Access to the Contact’s history can be done through any of the Contact’s lead Lead Detail page or from the Contact Detail page from the Lead Resource Center.

Lead Definition

Leads are generated when time a person responds to a offer. Example, Sam Smith requests a white paper by filling out a landing page, or attends a tradeshow, or registers to a webinar, ect. Typically each time Sam resounds to an offer or event a new lead is generated. Each lead is graded. The lead grade determines if the lead will be passed on to sales. Typically Hot and Warm leads are sent to Sales for follow-up. Nurture graded leads are not sent to Sales and are records of the individual’s responses. Example, just downloading a white paper is not qualified enough to sent to Sales, so the lead is graded Nurture and can be added to newsletter lists for further nurturing and qualification.

Leads are typically viewed by Sales with the Lead Detail page. The link to the Lead Detail page is emailed to the assigned Sales Person when the lead is first generated in real time. Leads can also be viewed via the Lead Resource Center or Marketing Resource Center.

How do I get access to LeadCentral

Contact the LeadCentral admin within your company or GrowthPoint directly

Broadcast Email

What is a Wireframe and can it be updated?

Wireframes are templates they are used for both Email and Landing Pages.

When a wireframe is updated, which is done by GrowthPoint for you, the email summary or landing page summary will have a green circle icon on the summary page that will tell you when the email or landing page is not using the latest wireframe. See a screenshot of the indicator below. This message is found on the Summary page and the sample below is from an Email Summary page. You may or may not want to use the latest version of the wireframe so it sometimes make sense not to update the wireframe.

If you have deleted sections of an email wireframe and click update the wireframe on the Edit email page the sections you have deleted will appear back in your template.


If a landing page wireframe is updated there is an option to update all the landing pages with that wireframe. The system lists what campaign and projects the landing page is utilizing that wireframe. If it is necessary to update the wireframe and update all the projects at once using that wireframe GrowthPoint will help you with the process and determine if this is the right step to take.


What names are emailed on the second batch email drop?

The second email drop will send to the people that didn’t open the email in the first drop.

  • For example if names are imported that would be added to the first list between the first and second drop they will not be emailed.
  • If the original list is modified to include more contacts, the contacts will not be emailed
  • If you add an additional list to the project after the first drop, only the original contacts that did not open the email will be send the second message.

Bottom line the second email function is designed to send emails to the contacts from the first drop minus anyone that opened the first message.

Checklist for Sending Broadcast Emails

Content Process

  1. Collect newsletter content
  2. Add new email template to the project
  3. Select a From address in the Email Summary page from the drop down
  4. Enter a From name to the Email Summary tab
  5. Select a Reply to Email address in the Email Summary page from the drop down
  6. Enter a Reply name to the Email Summary page
  7. Enter a subject line
  8. Select a Wireframe from the drop down list
  9. Click Update on the Email Summary tab to save your changes
  10. Click on the Edit Email tab and enter content (images, text and hyperlinks)
  11. Label your hyperlinks (for reporting purposes), this can be done when entering the content or after

Testing Process

  1. Send a test to yourself and make modifications as necessary
  2. Verify all links work and open to the correct pages
  3. Review the content carefully to ensure accuracy
  4. Verify the correct images are shown
  5. Verify the from Name and Reply to emails and vanity names are correct
  6. Verify the subject line is correct
  7. If you have an approval team send a test to the test list of approvers for final approval
  8. Once HTML is approved, create the Text version
  9. After all content is approved and testing is complete clear the tests logs for your email template by clicking Reset Test logs button on Email Summary Page.
  10. IF you have a new landing page (not used previously) you can also Clear the Data Log on the landing page as well.
  11. If you are doing an A/B test, create the second (or third) version of the newsletter at this time and make sure to test the new content.

Confirm Correct Lists in Place

  1. Open the project with the batch email template and confirm the correct target lists are selected. Typically lists are not changed between drops one reason there is a project per type of newsletter drop.
  2. Confirm the suppression list is in place
  3. Verify the list count: Click the Calculate Count icon seen under the List Summary at the bottom of your project to verify the total number of contacts that will be sent to the mailing.

Schedule the Newsletter

  1. In the project on the line of the desired email template select the Status of Approved from the drop down
  2. Click on the calendar icon under the Schedule column and select the drop date desired
  3. Click on the clock icon to set the time for your drop (the time is based on the server time which is shown on the page)
  4. Click the Save New Schedule button in the schedule column
  5. If you want the batch email to be sent more than once set a date and time for the second drop. To schedule the second drop to anyone that didn’t open the first email in Second Drop column, click the calendar button to select the date, click the clock button to select the time. Finally Click the Save New Schedule button and then the Save Second Drop Schedule button.
  6. Next select an option from the Delay From Last Sent Email column. Choose 1 day for time sensitive materials and 4 days for typical mailings.
  7. When you are done click Update at the bottom of the project.


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A/B Test options for a Prospect Email

Testing is a very important factor in your marketing portfolio. Before sending out your email you can set up an A/B test of your email template to test the subject line or even the content of the newsletter. The system allowsEmailSummaryforABtest you to split your test as many times as you want (even though we are calling it an A/B test), although keep in mind the size of your mailing list before you split into multiple tests. You could always make a test schedule to document what you want to test, the timing as well as track the results. The list of what you can or may want to test may be endless but as you gather results of each test your list of what needs testing may be modified as you discover what works best for your market.

Setting up an A/B Test

Lets start by overview on how to set up an A/B test. We recommend you finish your newsletter/email content before splitting it to save you time, this includes creating the text version of the newsletter. After the content is complete and before the newsletter is scheduled. Open the prospect email and then click on the Email Summary tab (1) then click the Advanced Options button (2), which will cause a new window to open, shown in the second screen shot.



In the Email Template – Advanced Options window (shown to the right) you can set up your tests. First click the Testing Enabled check box (4) which will show you your original template. Click Add New Template Button (3) to add additional versions to test.  When you click the Add new template you will get an additional popup to Add/Edit AB Test Template. First label your template a logical name as it is shown in reporting. Next choose a template to copy, from the template location drop down.

You can choose Campaign-Prospect or Process-Prospect. Campaign-Prospect is the location of a template that is the Campaign Management system. A template will be in Process-Prospect if it is part of a Automation Process (under the Automation tab in the MRC). After you choose one of these options you will see the standard tree structure. Find the template you want to copy, click on it and indicate a percentage of your list to get that version of the template and then click ok. In the example you can see we are running an AB test so each version is going to 50% of the list. To change the percentage on any of the templates click on the pencil (under edit) next to the template name. In this window you can also modify the template name, if necessary. Before you click save (5), your Allocation % needs to equal 100%. And each percentage has to be full number.

Editing your New Templates

ab email templates

You now have 2 (or more) templates attached to your project. On the left side of your screen you will see your templates and there is an example shown on the left. When a prospect email is split into test there will be a plus sign next to the blue envelope (A). When you click that plus the drop down will expand (B) and show you the versions of your template. (in the screen shot that would be Test 1 or Test 2)


By clicking on the blue envelope for each template (Test 1 or Test 2) you can make the necessary changes. Edits are done the same if the template is an AB Test or if it is an individual template. For example to do a Subject line test click on the email summary tab (1) for the template you want to change (for example Test 1) and enter the subject line then click update to save your changes.

If you want to make content changes, first open the email template you want to change, then click on the Edit Email tab and make the necessary changes. Make sure to click Update at the bottom of the screen to save your changes. For more detail on how to make edits click here.

Viewing the Results

To see the results of your test you can click on the Master email template (A). On the right side of your screen you will see the Email Summary Tab open. In the results sections there is a new column shown, Template Name. Under the Results by Email template section you can see the results broken down by email template. For example, open rate breakdown for each test as well as all the rest of the results fields such as total clicks, unique clicks etc. In the next section you can see the Results by Link Url section there is also a breakdown by template name.


From email address discussion

Some questions have arose regarding the From email address used on prospect or batch emails. It is best to use an email address that is associated with the MRC client. For example, your personal email is a valid address but is not set-up to send from the IP address associated with Lead Central thus delivery of the emails could be impacted. Another important factor to note is that although there is a reply email address set for each email the from email address will receive some of the automatic replies such as the out of office messages.

Can I use redirect URLS in email templates?

It is not recommended that you use Redirect URL in a prospect email template. The problem is that when there are multiple redirects present on a link spam blockers tend to check the link to see if they are valid links. This results in an over-counting of open and clicks on the link from the spam checker not from a live person clicking the link. These services don’t click the links once they do it hundreds of times.

Examples of redirect URL services that should not be used are the Tiny URL service or a redirect service. In both case it will likely result in bad data when reviewing link click results.




Can I get a list of people that clicked on a link?

To see the results of a link in an email: open the project with the link from which you want results.  Click on the prospect email (blue envelope) which opens the Email Summary Section. At the bottom of the page you will find the Results by Link Url section. To get a list of people that clicked on specific link click on the hyperlinked number under Total Clicks or Unique Clicks (the list can be exported to Excel if desired)

Another way to get a list of people that clicked a specific link or any link with a keyword in the link name is with the Target List application. Choose the criteria of Keyword Clicks. You can choose one project or all campaign and projects. In the value field enter a keyword that found in the links that you want to see results from . The applies to should be set to Lead.





How do I add an image to the Image Manager?

Open the Document Manager from within the email or landing page editor (see below), or get to it by clicking on an image placeholder inside a template.

Image manager

Choose the folder you would like to store your new image in and click Upload in the Image Manager window.

Upload Image

Select the files you would like to upload using the select button (you can select multiple files at once), and then click Upload.  Click the (A) Select button. Navigate to the computer and location where the image is located. If you need to add more than three images, click the (B) ADD button. After selecting the images, click (C) Upload to add the images to the list of available files.




How do I send a test email?

There are two ways to send a test email.  You can either send a fully functional test to the project test list, or you can send a single non-personalized test email to a specific address from the Email Summary Page.  Since sending a non-personalized version means that any links for landing pages that are set up to pre-populate will not work and any personalized fields within the email itself such as prospect name will not populate, it is recommended that testing be done to the target list from the Project Setup Page.

To test an email from the Project Setup Page, click the test button next to the email template you would like to test.


Then, fill in the fields and press submit.  The Subject Line Prefix field will add whatever you enter onto the beginning of your subject line.  For example, if the subject line is “XYZ Newsletter”, adding the Subject Line Prefix “Test 1-” will result in a test email with the subject line “Test 1 – XYZ Newsletter”.  This is a good way to keep track of tests, edits, and approvals.  The Override Email Address field will send all the test emails to a single email address instead of the test list.  For example, if you have 3 people on your test list and you enter your own email address into the Override Email Address field and press submit, you will get all 3 test emails.

Test Email2


To send a test from the the Email Summary Page, simply click on the Test Email button.

Enter the (B) email address of the recipient, be sure the (A) Select Mail Source is set to Sample, and click (C) Send Mail.  Remember that personalized features will not work, such as pre-populating landing pages.


How do I clear all the testing data from an email?

From the Email Summary page, click Reset Test Logs to clear all the testing data.  This button can be selected at any time, even after the email has been sent to the target list.

Email_Summary ScreenV3


Where do I find the HTML from my Broadcast Email?

You may want to repurpose the content from a newsletter or email by placing on a website. To do that, you need to transfer the formatted (HTML content) to the new location.

From the Campaign Management scree, on the Campaign tab in the left navigation, find the document you want to copy the content from and open it. On the Edit Email tab, click the Preview button at the top-right. Using the scroll bar if necessary, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the <> HTML symbol. This displays the HTML code for the document. Copy the code (click CTRL+A to select the entire contents) and paste it into an HTML your html editor. When done, close the window.


How do I add a Document to the Document Manager?

Open the document manager from within the email or landing page editor (see below), or get to it from inside the Hyperlink Manager.



Choose the folder you would like to store your new document, and click Upload in the Document Manager window.

Document_manager_2 copy


Select the files you would like to upload using the select button (you can select multiple files at once), and then click Upload.


Where do I view results of an email drop?

Email results can be viewed 4 different ways. Each method uses the same log information, but is presented in different contexts. To learn more about Email reporting refer to this article. Email results can be accessed by:

  • Navigate the the specific email summary page. The most detailed information about a drop will be located there. Information will include details on emails sent, opened, which links were clicked, ect.. On all the counts that are displayed, you can drill down to see which specific Contacts opened or clicked on links.
  • Navigate to the Project Summary page and click on the Reporting tab. On the reporting page you will see reporting on all the emails within the project. You will not see the same link reporting detail as on the email summary page.
  • Navigate to the Campaign Summary Page. on the Campaign page click on the Reports tab. There you will see a summary of all the emails send within the campaign.
  • Monthly the system pushes out a Newsletter summary report via email. To add you name to the distribution of that report, contact your GrowthPoint contact.

How do I change the From address in an email?

On the Email Summary page, use From Address drop down (see item 1 in the image below) to modify the From Address.  This is the address that your email will appear to have been sent from.  Be very careful when modifying the Reply To Email, however, because this is the email account that will actually receive the email if the recipient replies to your email.  If you have questions or would like to use an email address that does not appear in the Reply To Email field, please contact your system administrator.

Email_Summary ScreenV3


Landing pages

What is a Wireframe and can it be updated?

Wireframes are templates they are used for both Email and Landing Pages.

When a wireframe is updated, which is done by GrowthPoint for you, the email summary or landing page summary will have a green circle icon on the summary page that will tell you when the email or landing page is not using the latest wireframe. See a screenshot of the indicator below. This message is found on the Summary page and the sample below is from an Email Summary page. You may or may not want to use the latest version of the wireframe so it sometimes make sense not to update the wireframe.

If you have deleted sections of an email wireframe and click update the wireframe on the Edit email page the sections you have deleted will appear back in your template.


If a landing page wireframe is updated there is an option to update all the landing pages with that wireframe. The system lists what campaign and projects the landing page is utilizing that wireframe. If it is necessary to update the wireframe and update all the projects at once using that wireframe GrowthPoint will help you with the process and determine if this is the right step to take.


How do I know what Landing Page wireframe to use?

The Landing Page Wireframes are named so that you can determine what the purpose is of each page. The name is comprised of three parts to describe the type of lead created, the tactic being use and then the design element, i.e. images, columns, secondary offers etc. Below is a more detailed explanation and examples:

  1. Naming Structure: Lead Type / Tactic Type / Other
    • Nurture Lead
    • Sales Lead
  2. Lead Types
    • Offer
    • Webinar
    • Opt In
    • Opt Out
    • Talk to Sales
    • Survey
  3. Other
    • Graphic
    • No Graphic
    • 3 col (ie 3 column or 2 column)
    • 2nd LP promo (i.e. 2nd Landing page Promotional offer)
    • 2nd TY promo (i.e. Secondary Thank you page promotion)
    • IPAD
  4. Examples
    • Nurture Lead/Offer/Graphic
    • Nurture Lead/Webinar/3 Col/Graphic/2nd TY promo
    • Sales Lead/Talk to Sales/No Graphic
    • Sales Lead/Survey/IPAD

If you are having problems determining which template to use you can contact your project manager for help.





How can I test a landing page?

After you have entered your content, it is very important to review and test the landing page. Proofread the text to be sure it accurate and grammatically correct.

There are several ways to test your landing page. The first thing you may want to do is Click View Page from the Landing Page Summary Screen. You can view the Thank You page as well by appending “ty” to your landing page URL. For example, change the landing page URL from: (this is the landing page)

to (this is the thank you page for the above landing page)

Another option to testing a landing page is placing the project on override and completing the landing page. To place the project on override open the project in the MRC. Near the bottom of the page under the Customer Communications section there is a field with a checkbox “Redirect all Project Email”. Check the box in front of the field and enter your email address. The email address entered on the project redirect can be your company address or a personal mailbox. After completing the field click update at the bottom of the page. Now all leads that come into the project will be graded by the system and assigned to the correct person based on your project set up but will be emailed to the email address listed. This allows testing of the page as many times as you want and a sales person will not be bothered with your test messages. After you are done testing make sure to remove the redirect email address or you will get all the leads. Also notify your project manager to remove your test leads from the system. They will need the company name or email addresses that you used in your tests to find the leads.

If you use your company email address:

Note that If you use your company email address when completing the landing page the lead created will be graded cold or nurture. This is because there is a rule that codes leads from your company email domain as either nurture or cold so the sales person will not be notified of a lead that isn’t truly a lead. This is the case if the project is on override or not.

What is the Landing Page named:

When you are reviewing the content look at the text that appears in the tab when you open the page. Is this what you want a customer to see. This field is completed based on what you entered as your landing page name. The name can be edited in the Project by clicking on the pencil next to the Landing Page name or by clicking on the landing page icon on the left side of your screen. On the Landing Page Summary tab the Landing Page name can be seen at the top of the page. After changing the name click update to save your changes.

What is a landing page wireframe and why use one?

A landing page wireframe is the template which has the outline and design all fixed and set-up for you with text boxes where you can add your content. A huge benefit of utilizing a landing page wireframe is the design of the page is set and by a click of the button you can open a text box to add your content, you do not need to create a design, write or edit  html or choose a font size or font type that is all pre-set for you. The form fields are set and do not need to be modified in any way.  Specific fields that needed based on the page type are already there for you. For example Country must be included if someone is opting into a newsletter and if you have specific information that needs to be collected such as company size so the leads are graded appropriately those fields are included in the page design. The templates are named so it is clear which ones are to be used for a nurture campaign vs. which templates you will want to select when you want a sales lead created. So how do you create a landing page using a wireframe template?

  1. Add a landing page to your project by choosing the option “Add New Landingpage” option. If you need more details on creating a project or adding a landing page to a project click here.
    • You can choose to copy an existing page if so desired. If the original page is a custom page the html page will be copied over. If the page you are choosing to copy is in a wireframe then the wireframe and its current content will be copied.
  2. Click on the Landing Page Summary and choose Wireframe in the Landing Page Creation Method section. When you do this you will see the wireframe available. Your choices are in folders and named clearly so you can tell the purpose of each option. If you are not sure which option will best meet your needs, contact your project manager. Do you need help choosing a Landing page Wireframe? The naming structure explaining how to easily determine the purpose of each wireframe is outlined here.
    • If you determine you want a different Landing Page wireframe it can be changed. If you change wireframes you will loose any content you have entered. We recommend that you delete the landing page from the project level and start over as this will make sure you have no browser caching issues that will cause your page to not look right. After you delete the page start back at step 1 adding a new blank page.
    • In the Edit Landing Page tab as well as on the Landing Page Summary you can see the name of the wireframe you have chosen. (1)
    • There is an image of sample landing page wireframe shown on the right, in this sample there are images included. (3) Not all wireframes include the option for images.
  3. Next step is to add your content. To start click on the Edit Landing Page Tab. Adding content to a Landing Page is the same as adding text to a Email Wireframe. There are details below, however you can also find more information on adding text here. Start by clicking the text box to open it and add text. (2) There separate text boxes for each type of content, such as the headline, subhead and body text. When adding text the font size and type is preset for you all that is necessary is for you to add the content, however you are able to bold, underline, indent add bullets and hyperlinks if you so choose. This is to simplify the process and ensure a unified look. After entering your content to click save (the button is at the bottom of the Edit Dynamic section popup box) and after all the content for you landing page is entered click update at the bottom of the landing page.
    • If you want to copy the text for the page from a word document you can, it is recommended that you paste the plain text into the wireframe. You can also copy the text from a different landing page. In this case it is recommended that you open the page in a browser that you want to grab the content from. They copy the desired text and paste as plain text in the new landing page wireframe text box.
  4. Does your page have editable images? If so you will see gray boxes on your landing page wireframe. (3)When you hover over the image the cursor will change to a pointer hand. Click the image placeholder to view the document manager will appear, you can upload new images or select one from the library. If you need more detail on how to use the Image Manager click here.
  5. The form fields are set (4) and will map to the appropriate fields in the live system. These fields are not editable. If there are fields you need on your wireframe that are not there talk to your project manager who will be able to determine if there is a better template to use or if a new wireframe is necessary.
  6. After entering text for your Landing page the next step is to enter content on your thank you page. To do this click on the Edit Thank You Page Tab. Just as you did on the landing page click each text box section and add and save your content.
  7. Do not forget to add a link to your offer (if there is a downloadable offer) in the “Download Now” button. When you click on the button to add the hyperlink to your offer and if desired change the button’s text.
  8. When you are done with your Thank you page edits make sure you click the Update button at the bottom of your page to save your changes
  9. You are not done yet. The last step is to test your new page. It is interesting how when you pull up the page to view it live how you may notice spelling errors that you didn’t previously notice.  There are several ways to test the page and you can read about the process in detail here.


How do I set up an A/B Landing Pages test?

Yes. If you have a hunch that something on your webpages aren’t working or maybe you want  to try something new, but aren’t sure how to evaluate whether its successful. Either way, the solution you’re looking for is A/B testing. A/B testing

A/B testing (or split testing) pits two (or more) versions of a page against each other to determine which is more successful, in terms of the goal you set. For example you may want to see which results in an increased conversion rate.  Running A/B tests gives you real, quantifiable data on your users and can help you make more educated decisions. Setting up a Landing page test in Lead Central is relatively simple.

Setting up your A/B Test

1) Add a Landing page to your project, maybe this is your standard landing page format or you can create a test from a project that already has a landing page with results attached.AdvancedFeatureLandingPages

2) On the left side of your screen click on the landing page. A thumbnail and Landing Page summary will appear on the right side of your screen. Click on the Advance Feature button seen on the Landing Page Summary screen. When you click you will see the Landing Page Advance Feature pop-up screen. This screen is shown to the right. Then click on the check box by the Testing Enabled: (1). You will see a pop-up that confirms that the results from the current landing page will be moved to the first version of your landing page test. Click OK, if this is what you want to do.

Why is there a warning message?

If you have a active landing with results you can continue to use the page as part of your test. The results that are attached to the page will move to the first version of your test. That is when you start your test the results will be added to your existing results. If you plan on making extensive changes to the page then you may want to set your first test to a 0% to preserve the orginal results. There is more on how to set your test percentages below.

3) Now that you have accepted the pop up message you can see the first page attached to your project. Click on the pencil (2) next to the page name to edit the page name or allocation percentage, the page defaults to 100%. When you are done click OK.

4) Click Add New Page button (3) to add additional pages to test. Choose a page for the Copy/Create New Page drop down, name the page and set the allocation percentage. Adding a landing page is just like adding a page in a project with a single page. Scroll down to Master Template and Misc., click on the plus by the project entitled Current Branded Landing page Templates. Choose the desired landing page to copy. The landing page domain used will be the same one that you set up in your original Landing page.

5) Click Save. Then on the left side of your screen you will see a plus sign next to your landing page. When you click on it you will see the pages set up for your test.

Making changes to your pages

Click on the page you want to edit on the left side of the screen then make edits by clicking on Edit Page or Edit Thank you page so you would typically do for a page that is not have a AB Test set up.


Take a look at the results of your test by click on the master Landing page. On the right side of your screen you will see the Landing page summary and a section entitled Results by Landing Page. In this section the Name of each page will appear and you can see all the typically tracked results such as Opens, Conversions and Conversion Rate. There are much more data available for viewing in this section.

How do I add an image to the Image Manager?

Open the Document Manager from within the email or landing page editor (see below), or get to it by clicking on an image placeholder inside a template.

Image manager

Choose the folder you would like to store your new image in and click Upload in the Image Manager window.

Upload Image

Select the files you would like to upload using the select button (you can select multiple files at once), and then click Upload.  Click the (A) Select button. Navigate to the computer and location where the image is located. If you need to add more than three images, click the (B) ADD button. After selecting the images, click (C) Upload to add the images to the list of available files.




How long does a Landing Page stay active?

A landing page will stay active until it is manually disabled.  When a specific tactic is completed, It is important to disable landing pages that are no longer in use.  This will prevent spammers from finding these pages and submitting junk leads, or messing up the open, click or conversion metrics of your tactic.

A landing page can be disabled from the Landing Page Summary screen, by clicking Disable.

Disable landing page

How do I select the domain for a landing page?

From the Project Setup page, select Add Landing Page, and choose a domain from the Selected Domain drop down menu.  To add a domain to the drop down menu please contact your system administrator to set up a new domain.

Add Landing Page

How do I add a Document to the Document Manager?

Open the document manager from within the email or landing page editor (see below), or get to it from inside the Hyperlink Manager.



Choose the folder you would like to store your new document, and click Upload in the Document Manager window.

Document_manager_2 copy


Select the files you would like to upload using the select button (you can select multiple files at once), and then click Upload.


How can I find an existing landing page to it’s view setup?

There are multiple ways to find a landing page setup.

  • If you know which Campaign and Project the landing page is in, you can navigate to the Project within the Campaign tree. Expand the Project and the landing pages and emails are below the Project. To select the landing page click on the landing page Name.
  • FilterIf you know the landing page name you can use the search function within Campaign Management under the campaign Tab. Before you start the search is is best to change the default Filter setting to All Projects. That will allow you to navigate to any landing page in the system vs landing pages in active projects. Type in the landing page within the search window. The system will search or names containing the letters you typed in and show below the search box. Select the landing page, and the system will navigate to that landing page’s summary page.System Tab
  • If you only know the URL, the fastest way is using the System Tab in Campaign Management at the top of the Campaign/Project tree. Once you System Tab is selected scroll to the Domain section. Expand the domain you landing pages exists in and then select the specific trackingID of your landing page. The trackingID is the numeric part of the URL. Example where XXX is the trackingID.

Where do I copy landing page templates from?

Landing page master templates are stored in a Campaign named Master Templates, within a Project named Current Branded Landing Page Templates.

There is typically other Projects within the Master Template Campaign from older versions or special purpose, so be carful to select the correct ones.

There is a documentation showing  the current branded landing pages with suggested use cases under the Tools menu at the top left corner of the MRC application.

Target lists

What names are emailed on the second batch email drop?

The second email drop will send to the people that didn’t open the email in the first drop.

  • For example if names are imported that would be added to the first list between the first and second drop they will not be emailed.
  • If the original list is modified to include more contacts, the contacts will not be emailed
  • If you add an additional list to the project after the first drop, only the original contacts that did not open the email will be send the second message.

Bottom line the second email function is designed to send emails to the contacts from the first drop minus anyone that opened the first message.

Can a target list be imbedded inside another list?

Yes, you can include one target list inside another list. This would be important if you have a set of criteria that you want to include in multiple target lists. For example a target list that includes all North American Valid contacts, or a suppression list of all competitors.  Your options would be to add all the criteria on these sub lists (For example all North American Valid contacts) and then add your additional criteria for the list you want to create. Or the easier solution is to utilize the Existing Target List criteria inside your Target list. That way if the criteria on one or your sub lists change you only need to change it in one place. For example if you need to add a competitor and you had that data in a sub list you would only need to change one list vs. many. This will also make the Target definition of your list shorter and easier to manage.

To use this feature you will want to start by creating your sub lists in a separate folder to help make your tracking of the lists easier. We recommend a folder title of System Target Lists or Sub Lists. The existing target list that is used inside of another target list can be stored in any file we just recommend storing them together to make maintenance easier. To utilize any of these lists choose Existing Target In the Criteria Type Definition drop down and then select the sub list to include.

On the Target Summary Screen you can see with other target list(s) are using the sub list.



Can I get a list of people that clicked on a link?

To see the results of a link in an email: open the project with the link from which you want results.  Click on the prospect email (blue envelope) which opens the Email Summary Section. At the bottom of the page you will find the Results by Link Url section. To get a list of people that clicked on specific link click on the hyperlinked number under Total Clicks or Unique Clicks (the list can be exported to Excel if desired)

Another way to get a list of people that clicked a specific link or any link with a keyword in the link name is with the Target List application. Choose the criteria of Keyword Clicks. You can choose one project or all campaign and projects. In the value field enter a keyword that found in the links that you want to see results from . The applies to should be set to Lead.





How can find contacts that have interest in certain topics?

In the Target list application there is an option to do a search on Keyword Clicks on your projects. You can search for clicked links that have specific words in their link names. Note that when you add a link to an email template you have the option to name that link anything you desire. By naming those link names carefully you can create target lists to pull together a list of people that are interested in a specific topic.

For example vs. naming a link the name Article One or whitepaper you can label the link based on the topic of interest found by that link. The keyword searches for words anywhere in the link name so your topic doesn’t have to be the first word.


Can I choose leads from a project when creating a Target List?

When creating a list in Target Definition if you choose the Campaign/Project option in the Operator/Action box will see a drop down for all the Campaigns and Projects set up in your system. You can choose one or more project to include in your target list.

System Administration

How do I get access to LeadCentral

Contact the LeadCentral admin within your company or GrowthPoint directly