Preparing Webinar Leads for Import

Are you hosting a webinar and plan on collecting leads from all stages of the webinar process? Specifically do you want to collect the registrations, the webinar attendees, as well as from the on-demand webinar posting? If this is the case we have outlined steps to follow to ensure all the leads are captured and coded in a consistent manner for post event reporting.  Click here to see the webinar program process.



Labeling Links

Links are labeled for reporting purposes. If links are labeled you are able to review what links were most often clicked you can determine what topics generate the most interest from your readers. Thus allowing content to be created that best fits your readers interest, thus driving up your open and click rates for your emails. It is a good idea for your company to determine a plan on how you want links labeled. A suggestion is Product Category followed by content type.

So although labeling of your hyperlinks in not mandatory it is definitely recommended. The report are still possible if links are labeled but it is much more difficult to read and determine what content is generating the most interest.

There are two places to label links, in the Hyperlink Manager as you add the links to your content or in the Email Summary tab both options are discussed below.

Labeling links from the Hyperlink Managerhyperlink_Manager

When adding a link to your content there is the option to also name the link in the Link Name field of the Hyperlink Manager. Link names can be modified in this window as well. If the link has been previously been used the previous name will appear in the window. When you are done making changes click OK at the bottom right of the Hyperlink Manager window.

When creating a target list you have the option to search for a keyword found inside the link name, thus labeling links becomes even more important. By labeling links based on the topic of interest you can later pull a list to find contacts interested in a particular topic.

We recommend that you do not use the “&” in the link name, if necessary use the word “and” instead of a “&” symbol.

Labeling Links in Email Summary tab

Labeling links in the Email Summary tab allows you to label all the links in your email all at once versus one at a time. The benefit of this is seeing all the links in your email in a list allowing it to be simpler to be consistent in your link labeling.

To reach the Email Summary tab click on your email (the blue envelope) on the left side of your screen, which will open the email summary window on the right side of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom of your page to see the Results by Link URL section.

Next to each link you will see a pencil, which allows you to edit the Link Name (label), then the Link Name column followed by the Link URL. The link is clickable if you are unsure where the link is pointing. Click on the pencil, a pop up will appear where you can add the Link Name. Click Update when complete. Link Names can be added or changed after the email is dropped. As mentioned above the labeling of links based on the topic of interest can be very helpful if you later want to create a target list based on contacts interested in a specific topic.

In the Results by Link URL window The links with the same Link name will be grouped together. Also note worthy is the ViewInBrowser or Forward to a Friend Links will not be listed as links.


Copy Custom Automation Process and Create a Project

The first set is to choose a process to copy from the templates available and create a project where leads generated from the process will be placed. The good news is this is menu driven and can be done in one step.

  1. The first step is to open the Marketing Resource Center, choose Automation from the tool bar on the top of the screen. The tool bar referenced is immediately below the logo and the Marketing Resource Center title. It says Tools, Database Campaign Management, Scoring, Automation, Target Lists etc. Choose Automation.
  2. In the blue bar on the left side of the screen click on the plus next to the group name: Playbook Process Templates by doing this you will see the processes in the group. These processes are templates an in place as a starting for your automation processes.
  3. To view the processes click on the process name. The description of the process is shown the right side of the screen after you click on the process name. Under the process name is a description of the process this will help if you have questions on which process to choose. If you click the Edit Process Tab you can view the process and the details of what is included.
  4. Right Click on the process name in the blue bar on the left side of the screen that you want to copy. When you do this you will see a pop up box that says Copy Process Delete, Process or Add Template. Left click on the Copy Process option.
  5. A pop up box entitled Copy Process will appear. A screen shot of that pop up window is shown on the right.
    • First choose a Process Name for your new Process Name and place it in the New Process Name box (1)
    • Select a Process Group from the drop down where you would like to place your copied process (2)
    • Enter a Name for the New Project where the leads will be tracked. The project name should be clear and concise but detailed enough so if you went back and looked for it a year from now you could find the project easily. (3)
    • Select a Campaign from the Campaign Name drop down to list where you want your new project placed. (4)
  6. When you are done with the above steps click the Copy Process and Project button. (5) Click cancel copy if you changed your mind or no longer want to copy the process and create the project.
    • If a missed one of the four fields necessary to copy the process and create the new project you will get a red message at the top of your Copy Process pop up window. The message will tell you missed a required field and which one. If this happens enter the missing information and click the Copy Process and Project button again.
    • Do not click the Copy Process and Project button twice. Look at the tab button to see if there is a scrolling icon this will tell you the process is still being copied and the project being created.
  7. When the process is copied it will appear on your screen open on the right side of your screen.
    • On the process summary screen make sure the process is not active. There is a radio button in the middle of the screen, Process active yes or no, confirm it is set to no.
    • Next edit the description and comment on the process summary tab top of the screen. It is important to keep the description clear and up to date. This will help you in the long run keep track of what the purpose of the process is.
    • Finally click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Next click on the Campaign Management at the top of the screen. (The tool bar is described in step 1)
    • On the top left side of the screen change the drop down to “All Projects” and click the Filter Project button.
    • Open the project in Campaign management. To do this you will need to click on the plus by the campaign name.
    • Click on the project name to open the project on the right side of the screen.
  9. Click on the word Source Description (A) to enter the project leads details for your sales people. This is the same description you used in the custom process under Automation. When you are done click Update on the Source Description window. The project does not have to be opened and resaved. Now you are ready to go to the next step and enter the content for your landing pages used in the process.

you are ready to go to the next step and enter the content for your landing pages used in the process.

Define Target List

Create and Manage a Target List

In this step, you will define the recipients for a mailing by selecting the desired parameters. Before you start entering your list criteria, you should spend some time noting the who you want to include, and exclude, from your list. Think about the traits or criteria you will use to generate a target list that will put you in touch with the right people.

About Target Lists

In LeadCentral, you do not actually create a list of recipients for your emails and newsletters. Instead, you establish a list of parameters that define who should receive the email. The list of parameters available is extensive, allowing you to exactly define recipients. You can include list parameters to both include people as well as exclude people.

When you are ready to distribute your mailing, LeadCentral evaluates the list of all possible email addresses in the database(s) based on the parameters you entered and returns the list of only the recipients specified. Creating mailing lists using this dynamic approach ensures that recipient information is always current and that you reach the desired targets.

Create a Target List

  1. From the Marketing Resource Center, click the Target List tab. From the Custom List navigation pane to the left of the screen, navigate to the Group that you want to add a list to. Right click on the Target Group name you want to create a list for and, from the popup menu, select Add List. In the List Name enter a descriptive title that will help you and others identify the list in the future. You must also fill in the List Description with additional information. This could include details about the target audience and specifics about inclusions or exclusions. Click OK. You will see the Target Summary tab, on the right side of the screen, which be explained later in this process.Create_a_target_List
  2. Click the Target Definition tab to begin adding criteria for your list. Click Add New Criteria. Under the (1) Criteria Type Definition, click the Select Choice dropdown. From the list, you have the following criteria type to choose from:
    • Lead/Contact Value: This is the most-frequently used Criteria Type. It includes two types of fields, standard and custom. Standard fields are the headings you will find in any database of contact information. Custom fields can be created by you based on your unique contacts, leads or sources. Custom fields are indicated by “(Custom)” next to the field name. To view the available fields, begin typing a few letters of its name and all of the available options will be displayed.
    • Campaign/Project: This selects contacts inside a specific project or set of projects or an entire campaigns contacts. Check the campaigns or projects you want to include. The option to exclude specific projects is being added.
    • Keyword Clicks: This option allows you to find the list of contacts that are interested in a specific topic. The feature will find any link name with that keyword. The link can be located in a landing page or a prospect email, so any link clicked. Thus you can see the importance of labeling your links carefully. When choosing this option you can opt to include all projects or limit to specific prospects.
    • Email Activity: This options let you choose a email template and results based on the users interaction with the template. For example was the email opened or was a specific link clicked.
    • Landing Page Activity: This selects recipients based on the fact that they visited a specific landing. After including this criteria, you will need to identify from a dropdown list the landing page you want to include. And finally what action the user took with that landing page, for example everyone that opened the page, submitted it or clicked on a specific link.
    • Score Results: A contact’s score is a numerical value calculated for them based their behavior and interests over time. More detail about Contact Score is available from GrowthPoint.
    • Existing Target Lists: This option allow you to imbed a target list inside of your list. The reason this is valuable is there are often a set of criteria that are used in multiple lists (for example North America Valid Contacts). By imbedding a list inside a list you don’t have to repeat that criteria each time it is utilized in a new list. And if the criteria changes you only have to change it once. For example if the imbedded list is a listing of competitor email domains to exclude you can add to the competitor list in one location and the list will be updated in every place the Existing Target List is utilized.


Define criteria

In the (1) Criteria Type Definition column, click in the dropdown button and select a Criteria Type. Depending on the Criteria Type selected, you will have a list of options in the dropdown menu(s) under the Criteria Type Definition and the Operator/Action columns.

    • If you select Lead/Contact Value, you will get a new field in the (1) Criteria Type Definition column. Begin to type any part of the name of a desired data field and you will see a list of the fields that contain that text. For example, entering “cust” will show the list of all fields that include the words: customer, customer interest, top customers, qualified customers, etc. Under the (2) Operator/Action column, you will need to select the operator, such as Equal To, Greater Than, Is Part of List, etc. You will also have a field under the (3) Value column where you will enter the desired value for your selection criteria for that data field. Click on the magnifying class icon to the right of the field to see the available values in the selected field. You can choose from the list or type your criteria into the field. There is a limit of 2500 characters in this field. Under the (4) Applies To column, specify whether this criteria applies to Contacts, Leads, or both. (See below for an explanation of the difference.)
    • If you select Campaign/Project, you will get a new dropdown in the (2) Operator/Action column where you can select the campaign or project. Under the (4) Applies To column, the system will default to Lead.
    • If you select Keyword Clicks, select all projects by clicking on the checkbox next to ALL in the Select Project Drop down. Under (2) Operator/Action, you will get a drop down to select the operator. This options defaults to All (for the date field) and Is Like for the operator (the other option is exact match). Enter your keyword(s) under the (3) Value column for your selection criteria
    • If you select Email Activity, choose whether the email was created as part of a campaign or an element of an automated process. This selection will navigate you to where the template is stored. Under the (2) Operator/Action column, you will need to select the action the recipient took. For example, you can include recipients who simply opened the email or clicked on certain links. Under the (4) Applies To column, specify whether this criteria applies to Contacts, Leads or both. (See below for an explanation of the difference.)
    • If you select Landing Page, you will get a dropdown where you can select the desired landing page. A new field will appear with a directory of the Campaigns and Projects that include a landing page. Only projects with landing pages will appear in your list. Navigate to the desired landing page and select it. Under the (4) Applies To column, specify whether this criteria applies to Contacts, Leads or both. (See below for an explanation of the difference.)
    • If you select Score, you will get a drop down to select the scored item or trait. Under (2) Operator/Action, you will get a drop down to select the operator. This will typically be the Numeric operator “Greater Than.” You will also have field under the (3) Value column where you will enter the desired value for your selection criteria, which is typically the minimum Score you want included as your selection criteria. Click on the magnifying glass icon on the right of the field to see the scores available. Under the (4) Applies To column, specify whether this criteria applies to Contacts, Leads or both. (See below for an explanation of the difference.) Additional information about Scores is included in another section of this help system.
    • If you select Existing Target List, you will get a new dropdown in the available lists, any list can be selected however it is a best practice to keep frequently used criteria in a folder, for example System Target Lists. In the Target Summary you will see a listing of Other Target Lists(s) using this target list. Anytime a list is updated if it is used as part of another lists criteria the data will be updated in original list and all the Target lists it is a part of. You can save a lot of time by utilizing this option, version retyping a set of option multiple times in a variety of lists.


Definition of a Lead Vs Contact

Under the (4) Applies To column, in the dropdown menu, select whether the selected criteria applies to only the contact, only the lead or both.

  • contact is a unique person in the database. For example, there can be only one contact Sam Smith at Stellar Supply Company. When a new lead is generated, the system looks for the related contact. If the contact exists, the lead is attached to the contact. If there is no contact matching the lead, then the system creates a new contact and attaches the lead to it. There will almost always be more leads than contacts. Contact records hold only location (address, phone, company, etc.) and other demographic information. They do not include any information related to campaigns or projects. That information is contained in the lead(s) attached to the contact.All of a contact’s activities are logged within the system. If new leads are generated from that contact, the contact record is updated with new or changed data, like address, phone, title, etc.. The new lead is also linked to the contact record.
  • Leads are generated every time a person responds to an offer. For example, Sam Smith requests a white paper by filling out a landing page, attends a tradeshow or registers for a webinar, that generates a new lead. Each lead is graded, and that grade determines if the lead will be passed on to Sales. Typically Hot and Warm leads are sent to Sales for follow-up. Nurture-graded leads are not sent to Sales; they simply document the individual’s responses. Example, just downloading a white paper is doesn’t warrant forwarding the lead to Sales. Instead, the lead is graded Nurture and can be added to target lists for further nurturing and qualification. Leads are typically viewed by Sales via the Lead Detail page.. The link to the Lead Detail page is immediately emailed to the assigned sales person when the lead is generated. Leads can also be viewed via the Lead Resource Center or Marketing Resource Center.

Add more criteria

After adding a criteria, click the (6) Add button to add the next criteria or click Save to save your criteria and move to the next step. You can continue adding criteria to further define your target list by clicking the (8) Add New Criteria button. If you need to nest a new criteria between existing criteria, click the (6) Add button to the right at the point where you want to insert the new criteria. Click the (9) Save button to save your work as you go, and when you done creating your list. To delete a criteria, click the Trash icon near the (6) Add button. When you are done entering criteria, click Save.

Order of operations

You can specify an order of operations by using the parentheses symbols on either side of the Target Definition screen. Just as in math, you can group several criteria so that they are all processed together before the system moves on to process the next criteria or group of criteria. Insert (5) parentheses to indicate how the criteria should be grouped. Also note that you can use the (7) And/Or dropdown to specify how criteria in groups will be processed. When you are done working with you criteria, click Save.

Check target list recipients


  1. After clicking Save, you will see the Target Summary tab. This is where you can do a quick check of the number of recipients in your list. Recall that the system dynamically creates the list each time it is run. Since this is a new list, the number of (1) Unique Contacts shows 0. Click (2) Re Calculate Count to run your list and determine the number of recipients.
  2. Before using a list, it is very important to preview it and ensure it includes and excludes the desired recipients. To verify the contents of your list, click (3) Preview to see the recipients.List_Preview
  3. In the List Preview window (screenshot above) that opens you can modify the columns shown by clicking the (A) Add/Remove Columns button. Click the (B) Excel button to export the list to a worksheet. If there are certain people who you would expect to be in the list, or not be in the list, you can quickly verify their presence in the list with the (C) Search field. Enter the search information and then, in the (D) Select One dropdown, choose the column (field) to search. Click the (B) Excel button to export the list to a worksheet.
  4. Do a thorough job of reviewing the results from your list to ensure you have included all the desired recipients and no undesired recipients. If the list is not returning the desired results, adjust your criteria and repeat the preview and verification process.


Where is the list being used

Also on the Target Summary Screen, the (4) Automation process using this list and (5) Email Only Project using this list sections list where your target list is being used and will warn you when an existing list is connected to other activities. This is important if you modify an existing list as your count could change dramatically depending on the criteria you select. In this case since you created a new list, these sections are blank.