Preparing Webinar Leads for Import

Are you hosting a webinar and plan on collecting leads from all stages of the webinar process? Specifically do you want to collect the registrations, the webinar attendees, as well as from the on-demand webinar posting? If this is the case we have outlined steps to follow to ensure all the leads are captured and coded in a consistent manner for post event reporting.  Click here to see the webinar program process.



Project Reporting

In the Project Reporting tab on the Project Detail page there are 3 report options, depending on whether the project is set up for email only or not:  Results by Lead Grade, Results by Landing Page, and Results by Email Template.  If the Project is set up as email only, you will only see Results by Email Template.  Otherwise, you will see Results by Lead Grade and Results by Landing Page.  

Project Reporting tab

Results by Lead Grade

In the Results by Lead Grade you will see the results of the project organized by Lead Grade.  When you first arrive on the page you will need to click on the (1) Show Data button to expose the data in the table.  You can customize this report by (2) adding and removing columns, and you can also (3) export the data to Excel.  You can also sort any column by clicking on the column heading.  Click any underlined number to get more detail.

Landing page project details1

For example, clicking the numbers in the Customer Potential column will give you details about each specific lead that contributed to the total dollar amount for that row.

Project reporting - customer potential detail

Results by Landing Page

In the Results by Landing Page report you will see the individual results of each landing page associated with this project.  You can (1) add and remove columns to customize your report, (2) export the data to Excel, and click on any underlined numbers for more details.

Landing page project details2

Results by Email Template

In the Results by Email Template section you will find results for all of the email templates associated with the project.  Totals for the project appear on the bottom line.  Just like the other reports, you can customize this report by adding and removing columns and you can also export the data to Excel.  Use this report to compare email templates, or track the results of a newsletter over time.

Project reporting tab

Landing Page Results Reporting

You can track the results of your marketing tactics in real time with landing page reporting in the MRC.  There are two levels of reporting available:  results by individual landing page, and results by project.  The results by individual landing page will allow yo ufo take a close look at the metrics for a specific landing page template, including the click data for each link.  You can see the overall results for that specific template, and you can also see results grouped by drop date and target list.  The results by project allows you to see the results of each landing page template within that project side by side.

Results by Individual Landing Page Template

Look on the Landing Page Summary Page to see the results for a specific landing page template.  Here, you will find the overall metric for this template.  You can customize this report by (1) adding or removing columns, and you can also (2) Export the results to Excel.  The landing page URL (3) will open the landing page, and everywhere there is an underlined number (4) you an click through to get more details.

Landing page reporting1

If you click on the underlined numbers (4) in the Opens, Unique Opens, Conversions, Clicks and Unique Clicks columns you will get names and details about the people who opened or clicked. Further details about each individual contact are available if you click on the magnifying glass to the left of the contact.  The entire history of each contact is tracked in LeadCentral.  So, on the Contact Detail Page you can see which emails a specific contact has received and opened, what they clicked on, and what tactics they have responded to across all Campaigns in LeadCentral.


Scrolling further down the Landing Page Summary Page you will find Results by Link URL.  This contains click data of all the links within the landing page template.  Again, clicking on the underlined numbers will give you a list of all the individual people who clicked on the specific links.

Landing page links


 Results by Project

From the Project Detail Page, click on the Project Reporting tab.

Project Reporting tab

Here, you will find Results by Lead Grade and Results by Landing Page.   In the Results by Lead Grade you will see the results of the project organized by Lead Grade.  When you first arrive on the page you will need to click on the (1) Show Data button to expose the data in the table.  Just like in the Results by Landing Page table, you can customize this report by (2) adding and removing columns, and you can also (3) export the data to Excel.  Click any underlined number to get more detail.  For example, clicking the numbers in the Customer Potential column will give you details about each specific lead that contributed to the total dollar amount for that row.

Landing page project details1

In the Results by Landing Page report you will see the individual results of each landing page associated with this project.  You can (1) add and remove columns to customize your report, (2) export the data to Excel, and click on any underlined numbers for more details.  Landing page project details2

Email Results Reporting

From the moment your email is sent you can start tracking the results in real time in the MRC.  There are two levels of reporting available: results by individual email template, and results by project.  The results by individual email template will allow you to take a close look at the metrics for a specific template, including the click data for each link.  You can see the overall results for that specific template, and you can also see results grouped by drop date and target list.  The results by project allows you to see the results of each email template within that project side by side.

Results by Individual Email Template

Look on the Email Summary Page to see results for a specific email template.  Here, you will find the overall metrics for this template.  You can customize this report by (1) adding or removing columns, and you can also (2) Export the results to Excel.  To get more detail, click on the carrot to the left of the row.

Results by email template

After you have expanded the details, you can see the (3) results grouped by individual drop and target list. If you have more than one Target list the results will be broken down by list in the (4) Results by Target List section.


Scrolling further down the Email Summary Page you will find Results by Link URL.  This contains click data of all the links within the email template.  If you click on the underlined numbers in the Total and Unique Clicks column you will get names and details about the people who clicked on that particular link. Further details about each individual contact are available if you click on the magnifying glass to the left of the contact.  The entire history of each contact is tracked in LeadCentral.  So, on the Contact Detail Page you can see which emails a specific contact has received and opened, what they clicked on, and what tactics they have responded to across all Campaigns in LeadCentral.



Results by Project

From the Project Detail Page, click on the Project Reporting tab.

Project Reporting tab

Here, you will find results for all of the email templates associated with the project.  Totals for the project appear on the bottom line.  Just like the Results by Email Template, you can customize this report by adding and removing columns and you can also export the data to Excel.  Use this report to compare email templates, or track the results of a newsletter over time.

Project reporting tab