Collect Webinar Content and Data

When planning your webinar your mind is on what should the topic be, who are the speakers, and what technology will work best. You also need to think about what questions you want to ask upon registration and at the conclusion of the webinar what you want to ask the attendees. Keep in mind that if you are going to ask if someone wants to be contacted by sales you need to gather the information needed so the leads can be assigned to the correct sales person. One thing that is often forgotten but is necessity is country. We need to know where each contact is from that so they can be emailed or assigning to a sales person

Outline the steps of what you want to happen after the webinar. Also make a list of the offers you want to provide the attendees and registrants from the event. Then write each of the letters to the prospects, including the offers and subject lines, next write the sales persons source description. You can use the sales template so the bulk of the sales email is written, then just the project description and notes for sales in the source description.

Following the event format the excel files so it is ready for import. If there are columns in the spreadsheet that you do not need imported remove them. The headers on your columns are what the field names on the leads will be coded as. It is best to be as consistent as possible between the files, use the same field names each time the file is sent and make sure the data in the file is consistent. Using a standardized list of field names and value will keep your database clean. An example of fields that should be standardized are Job Function and Industry. Additional detail about the process and instructions to help you ensure you have a process for collecting data and keeping the data clean and consistent is webinar program process. Please also make sure that the fields needed for assignment are included and the values match the system values. You can include the grade in the file if desired and it will override the grade in the project.