Prepare Leads for Import

The very important first step is preparing your lead file to import into the database. You must ensure that the file you send has all the data needed to accurately select the right leads and promptly follow up on them. Begin by deciding before your event starts what data you need to collect. Whether it’s a tradeshow or any marketing event, think about what data will be most valuable to your sales team. Gather only the data you really need so you don’t overwhelm attendees with too many questions.

Which fields to Include in your file

You will deliver your file as an Excel spreadsheet. As you create the file that will be import into the LeadCentral database, include only the fields you want entered and skip the rest. Be sure to include the fields needed to assign leads. If your sales team works in geographic regions, those fields would typically include Zip Code domestically, or country for international sales. Your company may need other fields to assign leads. Include those fields in the right format so leads are properly assigned. Look in the Tools menu for a Lead Import Format Template to help guide your field selection.

Common questions about file content

Grading: Contacts are typically graded by quality. If you want to include contact grade in lead assignment, include it as a field in your database. You can then include grade as part of the logic in selecting contacts for a marketing tactic.

Lead Assignment: Leads can be assigned to a channel that is set up into the system already, all to one specific person, or indicate a specific person per per lead in your file. To do this, the channel or contacts that will be receiving leads needs to be in the LeadCentral User Resource Center. To assign the leads based on zipcode to a channel, indicate the appropriate channel in the project.

If you want to assign the leads to a specific person per lead the project should have the channel set to Landing Page. In the file add column with the header of LandingPageAssignment in the column the ContactID of that desired contact needs to be listed. The ContactID is found in the User Resource Center. After looking up the Contact column the column with the number. The final format will be ContactID=# (for example ContactID=278)

If necessary there can be a “Channel” column in the spreadsheet with the value of Landing Page versus setting the channel in the project.

If you want to set a secondary assignment in the file the column header for secondary assignments is LandingPageSecondaryAssignment, the value in that field is ContactID=#.

Labeling/Naming columns: The heading or name of each column becomes the label for that column’s data in LeadCentral. When possible, use field names that already exist in LeadCentral. For new, unique fields, use short, descriptive names. Any non-demographic data will appear in the Additional Information section on the lead detail sheet.

Grade leads based on standards

How a lead is graded is important to Sales so they know which are to handle first. Don’t label a lead “Hot” if it really isn’t just to encourage Sales to act on it because that could mean truly Hot leads may not be followed. Guidelines can be found below to help you determine how to grade your leads.

Hot leads: These prospects have requested action, possibly an RFQ or sales call. You can create grading rules in LeadCentral to grade a lead Hot based on information provided. For example, you can create logic in emails and websites that grade a lead Hot any time a contact requests a followup from your Sales team.

Warm leads: These prospects are evaluating their options and have specifically expressed interest in your products. These prospect are typically working on a project but have a timeline that is several months out.

FYI Only: Prospect has indicated general interest in your company versus a specific product interest. This is a logical grade for someone who registered for, but did not attend, an event.

Nurture: Use this grade if you want to capture the lead but not send it to a sales person for follow up. The contact can be targeted for additional follow up in hopes of increasing their interest in your products or company. This is a logical grade for someone that has downloaded something from your website but not requested additional information. A typical system set up will also include a system rule that grades a lead Nurture automatically if the same contact has been entered into the same project in the last 30 days.

Unqualified: This is the grade for lead you would like to follow up with via telesales to further qualify. Assigned Sales people cannot see leads graded unqualified. To set up telesales follow up, contact GrowthPoint.

Cold: This is the grade that is set for Competitors and Employees automatically. It is possible to set up a special filter rule to grade additional leads cold such as Distributors, or students if this is something your company would like. Assigned Sales People cannot see leads graded Cold.

If your lead file includes grades, the grades in your file will override the default grade set up in your project. However, if there is a filtering rule in place that rule will override the grade in your file and the grade in the project. For example if you have a employee in the file that is graded Warm, the system rule that filters out employees and grades them cold will take affect, thus grading your lead cold.

Email file to GrowthPoint

After you set up your project and test your email templates, you or your media vendor can send Excel files of your lists to GrowthPoint at [email protected] for import. You can send files individually or on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule.

When you email the list, include the exact campaign name, project name, and the contact information (email and phone) for the person that managing the project.

It is possible to set up an automatic feed to GrowthPoint of individual leads as they are generated from third party vendor marketing programs. To learn more, contact GrowthPoint.

Setting up a Basic Project

To set up a basic project, open the Marketing Resource Center (MRC) to see a listing of your Campaigns. Right-click on the Campaign you want to add the project to, then left-click on the Add Project option. A new blank project form will open on the right side of your screen. The first thing you want to do is fill out the Project name.Project_Name

Use naming standards your company has set up to make it is easy to find projects in the future. A typical naming standard is [vendor]/[media tactic]/[start date], for example EPE/Webinar/March 2014.

Listed next to the Project name is the Campaign name you selected to house the Project. This is automatically filled in for you. If you need to move your Project to a different Campaign, open the Project and change the Campaign name using the dropdown arrow in the Project Setup Details section.

Enter Project attributes

Under Project Attributes you have three options for Project Type: Standard Process, Custom Process and Send Batch Email. For this example, we chose Standard Process. We will explain how to create a Custom Process and Send a Batch Email in another section of LeadCentral Help.Project_attributes

  • Standard Process: Used to create a project that won’t need any special rules for handling responses. The standard rules will be used to grade and assign leads, and send out specific communications after a lead is generated.
  • Custom Process: Used when special lead-handling is necessary. The leads will follow the rules for grading and assigning, but the communications sent out following the lead being added are customized. The grading and assigning rules can also be modified using this process.
  • Send Batch Email: Sends emails to a target list, but no leads are entered in the Project.

After entering the Project Type, additional fields appear.

Project Code is used for specialized lead handling. Leave this field blank. If specialized rules are needed, call GrowthPoint. We will help determine how to accomplish your goals.

In the Division dropdown, choose the Division the leads are intended for. This field is used for reporting.

In the “Source Type” of these Leads? dropdown, choose the marketing tactic for the lead from the dropdown list. You can also add to the list if there is a source missing, but avoid cluttering the list with too many sources.

Enter the Lead Source.  This information is seen by the sales person and used to track the lead. The Lead Source can be the same as the Project name but does not have to be.

Select Lead Source

The Lead Source indicates where the lead is being generated from. Leads can be entered from an Excel spreadsheet, via LeadCentral Landing Page(s) or from a text email. Leads can be entered into a Project from more than one Lead Source.


  • Batch Excel Import: Check this box when leads are being entered from an Excel file for tactics like a tradeshow.
  • Landing Page(s): Check this box when leads are entered via a LeadCentral Landing page. More information about setting up a landing page can be found here.
  • Automated text email: This option is used to collect leads by integrating with other systems or websites. If you want to explore this option, contact GrowthPoint.

Select how leads will be assigned

In the Lead Distribution section, select who should receive the leads from the dropdown . All leads are assigned, even if they are not sent to Sales. Choose the default unless you know it should be something else.


Select lead grading method

In the Lead Qualification, section choose a grade as a default for the Project. Filter rules can be set to override the grade selected. Grades added from your imported list or a landing page will override the default Project grade.


The Telesales Required field is checked if leads are going to be assigned to telesales. To use this option, talk to GrowthPoint.

Customer Communications

In the Customer Communications section, you have the option to choose who will receive emails when the lead is entered into the system. The email to  Sales notifies the sales person they have a lead to follow up on and gives them needed details. Once the lead is added to the system, it is important to follow up via some communication to thank them for their interest, further engage the prospect with additional offers and provide them with the name of their sales person.Customer_Communications

  • Sales and Prospect: Both the prospect and sales person will receive an email message when the lead is entered. It is always good to email the prospect to engage them further. The sales person needs to be notified when they are assigned a new lead for follow-up. Only leads graded Hot or Warm will be sent to the sales person, even if this option is selected.
  • Sales Only: An email is sent to the sales person when the lead is entered in the system. Emails to Sales are sent only if the lead is Hot or Warm. If this option is selected and the lead grade is not Hot or Warm, no email will be sent. This option is used when you don’t want to send the prospect an email. You might want this because they previously received an email, or the leads are old and you want Sales to follow up but don’t want to notify the prospect because of the delay.
  • Prospect Only: An email is sent to the prospect but not to the sales person. This is an good option for an event registration
  • None: No emails are sent out.

After you have selected who will receive an email, additional boxes will appear to select the email templates you want to use based on the recipient. For the Prospect email option select the Blank Template in the Prospect Email Template from the dropdown. This will give you a blank slate for entering content. After you select a template, follow the prompt to name it. Use a descriptive name that will help you and others identify the purpose of the email. Click Okay.

Later you will have an option to select a wireframe (design) and enter the data for your email. Instead of creating a new email template from a wireframe, you can copy a previously created email by selecting it from the Campaign/Project listing found in the dropdown.

For the Sales Email template dropdown choose the default sales template.

The Redirect all Project Email option is used when testing a project. If you check the option and enter an email address, all the projects emails will be sent to this address. This will be discussed further in the Testing section.

Project Goals

This section is optional. If you enter data here, it can be valuable when creating Project reports. Anything entered in the Project Notes/Comments can be viewed only via the MRC. You can use this for any background information or details about the Project, but this information cannot be included in reports.

When you are done making changes click Update.




Planning for Broadcast Email

Before beginning to actually create your email or newsletter in LeadCentral, you should do some preparation related both to the communication goals and also the actual elements (images, logos, links, etc.) that will be required to build the email.

Consider Your Goals

The first step in the process is to do some thinking about why you intend to distribute the email or newsletter. What action do you want the recipients to take or what key points do you want them to remember? Who do you want to reach with your mailing? Take a minute to write down the answers to these questions as a way to clarify your goals. Next, write a two- or three-sentence abstract for the email, as well as a descriptive and enticing subject line. For a newsletter, write an abstract and title for each article.

Collect the Content

Images help capture the recipients’ attention and can help tell your story. Locate appropriate photographs. If you will be using videos, gather them and create a thumbnail image of an interesting frame of the video (width 105). If you will be linking to other documents such as whitepapers, presentations, PDFs, etc., identify their location and create a thumbnail of each document (width 128). Include a description of format, based on your companies branding standards. Identify the URLs for any external links to landing pages, offers, media sites, etc. Identify a link label for reporting purposes for each your URLS that is based on your companies pre-determined labeling standard. The link should be short and to the point. If you are going rely on LeadCentral to gather leads based on recipient clicks and opens, determine the keywords that you want to capture and store in the database’s Customer Interest field when a recipient submits a request.


Setup Email Only Project

Open the MRC to see a listing of Campaigns, right click on the campaign name where you want to add the new project and left click on the Add Project option. On the right a new blank project form to the Project Summary screen. The first thing you want to do is fill out the (A) Project Name. Use naming standards that your company has set up so it is easy to find project. A typical naming standard is media tactic, name if newsletter if it is ongoing followed by start date. (for example Newsletter/ABC News/2014). Listed next to the project name is the Campaign Name that you selected and the project will be located, this is automatically filled in for you.

Project Setup DetailsEmail_Only_Project_Setup

Under Project Attributes you have three options for Project Type: Standard Process, Custom Process and Send Batch Email, for this example choose the (1) Project Type Send Batch Email. When you do this you will notice the screen options change. The next option is to choose the (2) Domain Server Name. You will find a dropdown of the values available. The options shown on this list are domains that are warmed up and ready for use for email drops. The final option in this section is to Click the (3) Add Email Template button. From the (4) Add/Edit Email Template dropdown menu choose Add New Prospect Template from the dropdown list. Enter the name of your email template in the (5) Template Name field. Use a name that includes its purpose and possibly the date of the email drop. (Example: New product announcement – January 2015). Click (6) Create Template.


Enter Content into the Wireframe

In this step, you will use a new wireframe that you selected and named, and fill it in with the text, pictures, and other information to create your email.

From the Marketing Resource Center, use the left navigation pane to find and open the desired email template. The blue envelope under your project will signify the prospect email. Click the Edit Email tab to view the blank wireframe template, ready to add your content.Wireframe


Wireframe Tour

  • The template will show placeholders for your dynamic or variable content (text, images, links etc.).
  • Places where you can enter text are indicated by placeholder text.
  • Places where you can enter images are indicated by a grey box with the dimensions of the available area in pixels.
  • The image also shows the fixed content that is common to all emails based on this wireframe.


You cannot change the design of a wireframe. Contact GrowthPoint to discuss if there is not an existing wireframe to meet your needs. If you want to recheck the available wireframes, the available wireframes can be previewed from the Marketing Resource Center Tools menu option entitled View Wireframe Samples.


To add an image click on a grey images placeholder in the wireframe. This opens the Edit Dynamic Section window (shown to right) where you can select an existing image or upload a new image. Image placeholders have a suggested image size displayed in the wireframe. You will also see the image size indicated in the window when you click the grey image placeholder to add your images. Images uploaded will be resized automatically. If you do not want to the system to resize your image or like how it is done, you can resize the image on your own and upload the new image. This is discussed below.

Choosing an Existing Graphic

From the Edit Dynamic Section window, use the (1 & 2) folder navigation panes to find the desired graphic. Note along the top of the window that you can click icons to Refresh the screen, create a New Folder, and switch views between a list view and thumbnail view. As you click on files in the list on the left, you can see the image in the (4) Preview Window.

Click the (7) Save button to add the selected graphic to the template, close the Edit Dynamic Section window, and return to your wireframe. If you make a mistake while in the Edit Dynamic Section and don’t want to keep the graphic you selected, you can select a different image to replace it, or click the (6) Cancel button to close the Edit Dynamic Section window without saving your changes. After you return to the Edit Email screen, you can also click on the image there to select a different image.

Uploading a New Image

If you need to upload an image, click the (3) Upload icon at the top of the Edit Dynamic Section window. In the Upload window that appears (shown at right), click the (A) Select button. Navigate to the computer and location where the image is located. If you need to add more than three images, click the (B) ADD button. After selecting the images, click (C) Upload to add the images to the list of available files. You can now use the instructions above to add your new image(s) to the wireframe.

Attaching Links to Images

Upload Image Window

You can make images “clickable,” providing links from them to other resources or websites. Navigate to the target resource and copy the URL. Select the image you want to add the link to which will open the Edit Dynamic Section window. Click in the URL field and paste in the URL. In the Link Name field, provide a descriptive name for the link for reporting purposes. In the Target dropdown, the system defaults to New Window (the linked item opens in a new window), which is the recommended option.

Finally, in the Alt Text field, enter some descriptive text for the image. This text will appear instead of the image for users who view emails as text-only or who have image downloads disabled in their browser. Click (7) Save.

Resize an Image

If you select an image that is too large or too small for the placeholder in the wireframe, the system will proportionally stretch or squeeze the image to fit the placeholder dimensions. The results should be satisfactory however if you do not like the results you can resize your image. If your image is too big for the placeholder, you can use an image editor to resize it. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the file and right-click it. Look at the “Open with” options available to see if you have an editor, such as Microsoft Office 2010, to open and resize it. If not, you will assistance from someone with editing software. Be careful enlarging your image to ensure the quality is still acceptable.

Need to replace an image

If you want to make changes to the image you uploaded you can make changes to the file offline and re-upload the image. To replace the image you previously uploaded, (A) select the image, keeping the same file name, Check the Overwrite if file exists box which is found under the Add button and click (C) Upload to add your new image. Keep in mind that when you preview your newsletter might see the previous image. If this is the case after you have uploaded a new image clear your computer cache.

No Image for a Placeholder in a Wireframe

If you do not add an image where there is a placeholder, there will simply be a blank area there in your email.


Add Text

Open your project and click on the prospect email envelope. From the Edit Email tab, click on any block of text in the wireframe. This opens the Edit Dynamic Section window with a text editing window where you can add or edit text. You have the common text editing tools available in the toolbar. When copying/pasting text, the formatting is stripped however to be save when pasting your text you can right click and choose Paste Plain Text. It is important to only enter plain text or past in only plain text into the editor or you will have issues with the font not looking consistent.

You can add data stored in the contact record to your email, but in doing so make sure that all your records have that information and that you test your emails with this information so you know how it looks. More detail on entering this information and testing can be found here.

Also in the toolbar you have the ability to include hyperlinks in the text. After entering or editing text, click Save to return to the Edit Email tab. Note that if you do not update or remove the default text, it will appear in your wireframe. See the module on Hyperlink Manager for more information on working with hyperlinks.

Repeating a Wireframe Section


You can repeat the elements of your wireframe by hovering your mouse over the wireframe in the Edit Email window, then clicking the (1) Plus Sign at the top-right of the window. This duplicates all of the elements of the wireframe. You can now edit each of the text blocks individually. You can also replace the repeated images. Remember that if doing put a image in the placeholder that will leave a blank area in your wireframe. Click the Trash Can at the top of the window to delete the repeated section.

2 colum add textIf the content is two columns wide, like the example to the right you do not need to fill out both sections. The section you don’t complete will show up blank. For example you can enter the article on the left and leave the right article blank.

Moving Sections in a Template

After repeating a wireframe section (see above), you can rearrange the sections by clicking a section and dragging it up or down in the template.

Previewing Your Template

At any time, you can click the Preview button to see what your email will look like. While the cursor will change to a pointing-finger when hovering over links, the links are not active.


Adding hyperlinks

Adding hyperlinks allows you direct recipients to landing pages, documents in LeadCentral and other online resources. You can include multiple hyperlinks in the text of your template, enabling the recipient to quickly access the resources. You can also attach links to images.


Saving and previewing your email

1) When you have completed your email or need to take a break click update to save your changes. You can preview your newsletter by clicking the preview button or sending a test as you would a normal batch emailPreview_Button

2) If you forget to save and you try to click to another tab you will get a pop up message that asks if you want to save your changed content.


Adding or Deleting a Repeater Section

If you want to add or remove a section click on the symbols on the top right of the section.


In the top right corner of a repeatable section you will find a plus sign to duplicate the section and a trash can to remove the section. repeater_section


If the content is two columns wide, like the example 2 below you do not need to fill out both sections. The section you don’t complete will show up blank. For example you can enter the article on the left and leave the right article blank. two_columnwide_repeatersection

Labeling Links

Links are labeled for reporting purposes. If links are labeled you are able to review what links were most often clicked you can determine what topics generate the most interest from your readers. Thus allowing content to be created that best fits your readers interest, thus driving up your open and click rates for your emails. It is a good idea for your company to determine a plan on how you want links labeled. A suggestion is Product Category followed by content type.

So although labeling of your hyperlinks in not mandatory it is definitely recommended. The report are still possible if links are labeled but it is much more difficult to read and determine what content is generating the most interest.

There are two places to label links, in the Hyperlink Manager as you add the links to your content or in the Email Summary tab both options are discussed below.

Labeling links from the Hyperlink Managerhyperlink_Manager

When adding a link to your content there is the option to also name the link in the Link Name field of the Hyperlink Manager. Link names can be modified in this window as well. If the link has been previously been used the previous name will appear in the window. When you are done making changes click OK at the bottom right of the Hyperlink Manager window.

When creating a target list you have the option to search for a keyword found inside the link name, thus labeling links becomes even more important. By labeling links based on the topic of interest you can later pull a list to find contacts interested in a particular topic.

We recommend that you do not use the “&” in the link name, if necessary use the word “and” instead of a “&” symbol.

Labeling Links in Email Summary tab

Labeling links in the Email Summary tab allows you to label all the links in your email all at once versus one at a time. The benefit of this is seeing all the links in your email in a list allowing it to be simpler to be consistent in your link labeling.

To reach the Email Summary tab click on your email (the blue envelope) on the left side of your screen, which will open the email summary window on the right side of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom of your page to see the Results by Link URL section.

Next to each link you will see a pencil, which allows you to edit the Link Name (label), then the Link Name column followed by the Link URL. The link is clickable if you are unsure where the link is pointing. Click on the pencil, a pop up will appear where you can add the Link Name. Click Update when complete. Link Names can be added or changed after the email is dropped. As mentioned above the labeling of links based on the topic of interest can be very helpful if you later want to create a target list based on contacts interested in a specific topic.

In the Results by Link URL window The links with the same Link name will be grouped together. Also note worthy is the ViewInBrowser or Forward to a Friend Links will not be listed as links.


Test Email Content

Before sending an email, newsletter or other document to your recipient list, it is critical to test it. When testing you want to review the content, check the links, ensure the images used are correct, and verify the deliver information and subject line. In the Tools menu you will find a checklist listing.


Send Individual Test Emails


Test Email Popup Window

This option is most often used when you are in the process of creating your content and want to send a test to yourself. This can be done from the email template. If your email is not already open, click on the blue envelope in the project list on the left side your screen. Once the email is open click on the (1) Email Summary tab, click (2) Test Email. A pop-up window opens, leave the (A) Select mail Source radio button set Sample. In the      (B) To: field, enter the destination email address, typically your address for initial testing. Click (C) Send Email followed by Exit, after you see the message as been sent.

The email will be delivered to the address indicated, note that the subject line and address information is as it will appear in your final email. Review the email, make adjustments or corrections as necessary and continue to send individual test emails to yourself or others until you are satisfied that it is correct, properly formatted and ready for further testing.

Send Test Emails to a Test List

This method is used after you have completed your own testing and want to send the email to a list of people for approval. In the project listing on the left side of your screen navigate to the project containing the email you want to test. Click on the project name, on the right side of your screen you will see the Project open to the Project Summary Tab. On the lower half of the screen the list information is shown. In the Test List section you can see the name of the test list that is set up for your project. Click preview to overview who is on that list.

Test Email2To send a test to the test list indicated click Test by the email which you want to test from. In the Test Email pop-up, in the Subject Line Prefix, enter text that will be appended to the front of your email subject. For example, you may want to add “Test 1 –.“ When recipients get the email, the subject line will be “Test 1 – (your email’s subject)”. In the Override Email Address field, you can enter an address only if you want all the tests emails to be sent a single person. Click Send to Test Email List button. The system will prompt “Are you sure you want to send (Project Name) to the mapped Test list?” Click OK to send the test, then click the X on the top right of the Test Email popup to close the window.

Modifying the Test List

If it is necessary to modify the recipients on test list click on the Target List application on the top of the Marketing Resource Center. On the list side of your screen you will see List Categories, go down to the Test list category and find the list you want to modify. Click on the list you want to modify and the Target Summary window will open on the right side of your screen. Click the Target Definition to view the list criteria. Test lists are built based on the Criteria of the Email, thus any email listed in the Values column are included in the Test List. Add or remove a email address from the Values column to modify the list. When you are done click Save. You will get a message that says the List has been updated Successfully. Click OK. It is a good practice to click the Re Calculate Count Button to insure the list updated as you desired. For more detail on creating Target lists click here.

Creating a Text Version of your email

Some recipients will view your template as text-only. You need to prepare a version for them that you know will be readable. To do that, click on the Edit Text tab, then click the Import Plain Text From HTML Content button. This will transfer the text from the formatted version of your email as text-only. Review the text, deleting unneeded text and adding line breaks to improve readability, if necessary. Click Update to save your changes. In order to test the text email you will need to send it to a text email account.

  1. To add the Text version of your newsletter, click the Edit Text Tab.EditTab
  2. On the Edit Text Page click the “Import Plain Text from HTML Content” button at the bottom of the page.ImportPlainText
  3. I would confirm the text content looks good on your screen. You may want to add line breaks or additional formatting to make sure the email looks the way you want it to. In order to test the text email you will need to send it to a text email account.
  4. When you are done making changes click the Update button.