Approve Email Drop

Once you have approved your email, it is time to complete a check list to ensure that each item is in fact correct. This may seem redundant since you have already reviewed the content, checked the lists and made sure the images are correct but it is always a good idea to do a final proof before you send out an email to thousands of people. After it is sent is not when you want to find a mistake.

Things you will be reviewing include:

  • Content – check for misspellings, punctuation or bad grammar
  • Hyperlinks – does every link work and is it pointing to the right document
  • Images – are the appropriate images included
  • Have you labeled your links? Labeling the links will drastically help when reviewing reporting on the email drop
  • Subject Line – Is the current subject line included, is it catchy enough to draw the reader to open your email
  • Target Lists – are the appropriate people going to receive your email, is there a see list of contacts that you want to include?

These are just a few of the many things to review before dropping an email. To help you with this process we have include the Email Checklist in the tools menu of your system. We also recommend you send the email to a test list so that multiple contacts can review the email and ensure it is ready to go. For more about sending your email to test list, read the Send Test Emails Section on this page.

After approval is received you are ready to Schedule your Email drop. Directions on that step can be found here.